Eclipse Tutorial

Installing Java 13 and Eclipse (2019_12_R) (Linux)

For Linux

  1. Install Java 13 (OpenJDK 13)

    1. Access the site
    2. Under Choose a Version select "OpenJDK 13".
    3. Under Choose a JVM select "HotSpot".
    4. Next to Operating System select "Linux".
    5. Next to Architecture select the one corresponding to your system.
    6. Click on the link/blue button labeled ".tar.gz", next to "JDK...".
  2. Install Eclipse (2019_12_R)

    1. You can install thee Eclipse version we will use by visiting the web site Eclipse-2019-12R.
    2. You can use the installer option your will find at the top left of the above web site, however, we have not tested it in different systems. The steps below are the steps we have used for several semesters.
    3. Underneath the left blue box with Eclipse installer options, you will see the heading "Eclipse IDE 2019-12 R Packages". Under that heading you will see several Eclipse options. Find the option "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" and select "Linux 64-bit". Note: if instead of downloading this file, you use the installer, make sure you run the installer without using sudo or as root; install it as an ordinary usual user.
    4. Possible reasons why Eclipse is not working:
      • There is a conflict between Java versions; you may want to remove old Java versions.
      • If you already have an Eclipse workspace that relied on a different Java / Eclipse version, you may experience problems; just create a new workspace.
  3. Add Required Plugins

    You need to add to Eclipse the CS Course Management and CVS Plugins. These plugins allow you to submit projects.
  4. Miscellaneous

    You may want to check the Miscellaneous section at this point.

Some linux distributions (e.g., Ubuntu) have a package for Eclipse available via their software installation tool, but unless it's the version specified above, it is preferable to install it directly from the Eclipse site.

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