CMSC388C Robotic Process Automation
Group Projects
- RPA Masters: This workflow reads a jpg file, copies each pixel’s hex color value based on standard hex color codes of the format #RRGGBB using a java program. Next it copies those values and pastes them into an excel spreadsheet, changes the column width to make the cells more square, and zooms out to keep all of the relevant cells visible. It will then go line by line filling in the color value present in the cell. At the end it will delete all of the text from the cells and produce a representation of the original image in excel
- Auto Peng: This project simulates the day in the life of a CS student over winter break. The student wakes up and wants to first check the news and weather, so a
browser opens to the news and moves to the right of the screen and a browser
opens with the weather and moves to the left of the screen. Then the weather
of College Park is output into message boxes for the next few hours of the
day. The student then wants some pizza, so a browser opens to Dominos and goes
through the process of getting up until ordering two pizzas. After that,
the game Agar opens up and starts playing until the robot loses.
- Due18: We scrape top 25 products of given item (such as vacuum) on Amazon.
Then, decide which one to buy based on its rating, number of reviews, and price.
UiPath writes all the needed data from Amazon to Excel, then we have a python script that determines its "score."
- Green Team:For this project we chose to implement an automation that allows users to change account passwords by running our program. We believe that by allowing a user to safely change their password with the click of a button will not only be beneficial to users from all different types of backgrounds, but will also help ensure the security of their accounts as well. Our automation reads in the current password from an excel file, generates a new password using a password generator, changes the old password in the account, and logs the new password in the excel file. For this project we chose to change the password for a facebook, google and amazon account.
Note: In order to successfully run our UIPath program you must already be logged into the facebook and gmail accounts. The amazon account should be logged out. Also, you must change the file path of the excel file to the location of the file on your computer.
- Image Cutter: This process takes a folder of images as input, and cuts them up into a specified amount of x by y images. Then uploads them to a Discord server of the users specification.
- QWER: This workflow reads new emails and executes commands in the email.
- Red Team: Schedule Maker uses UIPath's Robotic Process Automation to take a Student's schedule given an input list of course numbers and section numbers and scrapes relevant class data from Testudo's Schedule of Classes. Using this data its automatically adds the courses, their times, dates, and locations to
the user's Google Calendar.
- Row Six: Project Description
This workflow continuously polls an email inbox waiting for new messages. Upon retrieving a new email it will open a templated Microsoft Word document resembling an organization’s letterhead, type the current date, and paste the contents of the Subject field of the email into the body of the Word document. This simulates quickly creating a formal business letter with a predefined official letterhead. The workflow then exports the document as a PDF and closes Word without overwriting the templated file. Then the workflow will send an email back to the user with the generated PDF attached. This process repeats for every new email found in the inbox. Once all new emails have been processed, the workflow will wait for 15 seconds before attempting to retrieve new emails. The workflow will continue to process incoming emails perpetually until stopped or an unrecoverable error occurs.
- Professor Royale: Project goal: Make informed decisions before registering for class.
Automate professor review checking process using RPA software Ui Path. Various review sites including Koofers, OurUmd, RateMyProfessors
- Terp Squad: The automated process detects new emails requesting an item. It parses the information about the item being requested. Then the process searches common online stores (e.g. Amazon, Target) to search for the cheapest listing of that item. Finally, an email of the results is sent to the user.
- Automate UI: This workflow signs into a UIPath account with username and password specified in the included Excel configuration file, and clicks through the first lesson of the foundation training and completes the quiz.