Ocaml Intro

OCaml Intro

Functional Programming
Ocaml Env
Functions and Expressions

Functional Programming

Functional Programming

Functional Programming: a programming paradigm based on functions

Programming Paradigm: classification of programming approach based behaviour of code

Programming Paradigm: classification of programming approach based behaviour of code

  • Typically used interchangibly with language features

  • Ruby is imperative, object-oriented, reflective and technically functional

  • OCaml is imperative, object-oriented and functional

Features of functional languages

  • Immutable State

  • Declarative Programming

  • Referential transparency

  • Realistic about the Machine

Program State: the state of the machine at any given time

Typically described as the contents of variables

# imperative.rb
x = x + 1
a[0] = 42

Imperative: State is mutable, changing or destructive

Imperative: State is mutable, changing or destructive

Can cause side effects (which is bad)

# side_effects.rb
@count = 0
def f(node) = @count

No Referential transparency: replace expression with value with no side effects

f(x) + f(x) + f(x) != 3 * f(x) != 1 + 2 + 3

Imperative: State is mutable, changing or destructive

Reality Check: No single state exists

# states.c
int x = 1;
if (fork() == 0)
  x = x + 1;
  x = x * 5;
printf("x: %d\n", x);

Functional Programming has immutable state

Functional Programming uses immutable state

  • Will minimize side effects

  • Assumes referential transparency

  • Builds Correct Programs

OCaml Env

Our First Ocaml Program

(* *)
print_string "Hello World!\n"
  • No semi colon (for now)
  • (* *) for comment

OCaml is a compiled language

  • a.out: executable
  • hello.cmocompiled object (.o)
  • hello.cmicompiled interface (like .h)

Helpful Programs

  • ocaml: repl like irb
  • utop: like ocaml but better
  • dune like Make
  • opam package manager for OCaml

Probably want to run dune utop src

Will need to use ;; to end epxressions in utop

Functions and Expressions

Rememeber Syntax vs Semantics

Everything is an expression (e)

  • Expressions evaluate to values (v)
  • All values are expressions, but not vice versa
  • Expressions have types (t)
  • e: t will mean expression e has type t

1 + 3

the expression 1+3 has type int


the value true has type bool

Expressions have types

Expressions have types

The if expression

(if e1:bool then e2:t else e3:t):t

Actual Syntax:

if e1 then e2 else e3

Static and Latent Typing

Expressions have types

functions are expressions

(* *)
let f x = 
  if x mod 2 = 0 then

The expression f has type int->int

Type Inference: inferring a variable's type

(* *)
let f x = 
  if x mod 2 = 0 then

Function Definition Syntax

let f x1 ... xn = e

Function Calling Syntax

f x1 ... xn

Function Calling Syntax

f x1 ... xn

Things that happen

  • Each argument x is evaluated to a value v
  • Substitute all x in e with v
  • Call the new expression e'
  • Evaluate e' to value v'

(* *)
let rec f n = 
  if n = 0 then
    n * fact (n-1)
f 2;;

Type of f: int -> int

Type of f 2:int

Value of f 2: 2

More on Type Checking

Types are inferred by operations they use

(* *)
(* compare two same types *)
1 = 1
x = y
x > y
x < y
(* x and y must have the same type *)

(* int have operators *)
3 + 4
x - y
x * y
x / y
x mod y

(* floats have different ones *)
3.2 +. 4.
x -. y
x *. y
x /. y

(* Strings have some too*)
"hello" ^ " world"

(* latent typing means inference *)
let f x y = if x > y then x else y-4;;
(* int -> int -> int *)