Assignment 3: Design Within Reach
Due: Friday, July 26, 11:59:59 PM EST.
In this assignment, you will design your video game. You may complete this assignment individually or in cooperation with a single partner. You may not work with a group larger than two.
Your design will be evaluated based on its adherence to the design recipe. It will not be evaluated for its quality as an entertaining or enjoyable video game.
It must involve some kind of arbitrarily large collection of data (i.e. a list).
It must be implemented in ISL or ISL+.
It should be interactive, responding either to mouse or keyboard events (or both).
It should should be organized with a main function at the top of the code with a concise description of how to run and play the game.
Below the main function, there should be a section of defined constants and data definitions.
Function definitions should be organized into sections based on the kind of data they operate on.
Functions should be thoroughly tested. As a baseline, every piece of code (with the exception of the main function) should be evaluated at least once when evaluating the test cases in the code.
Turn-based multi-player games are fine. Single-player games are fine. Simultaneously two-player games that can be played on a single keyboard are fine.
Multi-player distributed games are fine, but will require you to read more about how to build such systems in 2htdp/universe.
You may not use any previously assigned game unless it is signficantly expanded upon. When in doubt, ask for clarification on the discussion forum.