Due Date: July 28, 2019 11:59PM
Assignment Type: Closed (See
Matrices (singluar: Matrix) are rectangular arrays of Numbers (sometimes symbols) arranged in Rows or Columns. For example
1 2 34
32 5 94
is a two by three (2x3) array. Matrices have a lot of uses. They can represent vectors in n dimensions, define transformations between dimensional spaces, efficiently solve systems of linear equations, describe position as well as orientation in far more compact ways, describe rotations, show sets of probabilities, represent the derivative operation, and much more. Matrix multiplication is a useful concept in computer science; for example, GPUs are essentially powerful parallel matrix multipliers. If you do not know how to multiply matrices https://mathworld.wolfram.com/matrixMultiplication.html may be a useful link for you. Multiplication of matrices are however simply a series of arithmetic operations which computers are fairly fast at. However, the sheer number of operations means that as matrices get larger and larger, they start to suffer from performance issues. We will multithread the operation to see what kind of speedups are possible for this type of problem.
The goal of this project is to learn basic multithreading through implementing matrix multiplication and demonstrate the potential speedup gains that multithreading offers.
The code can be checked out from CVS named Matrix The distribution provides the following Matrix package - matrix helper functions should be defined here as well as multiply Tests package - contains public tests
Implement all of the public methods which have headers given. You are responsible for implementing a single threaded and a multithreaded implementation of multiply. Return null instead of 0 sized arrays
Verify tour project passes submit server tests https://submit.cs.umd.edu Follow the style guidelines for this course If you have issues with your code and go to office hours for assistance, ensure that you have student tests illustrating your issue
Submit your project using Eclipse "Submit Project" option
Please follow the academic integrity section of the syllabus. We check projects against other students and any case of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct