Day |
Topics |
Slide/Examples |
Assignments |
Reading List |
5/30 |
Course Introduction, Syllabus, Java Review: class |
Introduction (slide)
Fraction (github)
Lecture1 (pdf)
| P1 posted |
5/31 |
Inheritance |
Inheritance (slide)
Question class(github)
Person class (github) Lecture 2 (pdf)
| |
6/01 |
Lab 1: Class and Inheritance |
| |
6/02 |
Inheritance cont. |
Inheritance cont. (slide)
MixedFraction (github)
| |
6/05 |
Abstract Class |
Abstract class (slide)
Shape class (github)
| |
6/06 |
Lab 2: Group Project 1 |
| |
6/07 |
Array Based Containers |
Bag class (github)
Lecture 3 (pdf)
| |
6/08 |
Lab 3 |
| |
6/09 |
Interface |
Interface (slide)
Set (github)
| P2 posted |
6/12 |
Iterable, Iterator, Comparabale, Sorted Bag, Binary Search |
SortedBag (github)
Lecture 4 (pdf)
Lecture 5 (pdf)
| |
6/13 |
Lab: Group Project 2 |
| |
6/14 |
Clone objects, Linked List |
LinkedBag (github) Lecture 6 (pdf)
| |
6/15 |
Lab 4 |
(lab slides)
| |
6/16 |
Linked List cont. |
LinkedBag (github)
LinkedList (slide)
| |
6/19 |
Linked List cont.
Doubly Linked Lists |
Linked List Examples(slide)
Double Linked List (slide)
Lecture 8 (pdf)
| P3 posted |
6/20 |
Lab: Group project 3 |
| |
6/21 |
Stack and Queue |
Stack and Queue (slide)
Stack and Queue (github)
Stack (pdf)
Queue (pdf)
| |
6/22 |
Midterm 1 |
| |
6/23 |
Recursion |
Recursion (slide)
Lecture 10 (pdf)
| |
6/26 |
Recursion: Recursive shapes, Maze solver |
Lecture 11 (pdf)
| P4 posted |
6/27 |
Lab: Group Project 4 |
| |
6/28 |
Binary Tree |
Binary Tree (pdf)
Lecure 12 (pdf)
Binary Tree (github)
| |
6/29 |
Lab |
(lab slides) (code)
| |
6/30 |
Binary Tree cont. |
Binary Tree (github)
| |
07/03 |
Binary Search Tree |
BST (slide)
Lecure 13 (pdf)
Binary Search Tree (github)
| P5 posted |
07/05 |
Balanced BST |
Left Leaning Red & Black Tree (slide)
| |
07/07 |
Balanced BST Examples
Polymorphic Lists and Trees |
Polymorphic Trees (slide)
| |
07/10 |
Heaps and Priority Queue |
Priority Queue (ppt) Priority Queue (github)
| |
07/10 |
Lab: Group Project 6 |
| P6 posted |
07/12 |
2-3-4 Tree |
2-3-4 tree (slide)
| P6 posted |
07/13 |
Lab |
lab slides
| P6 posted |
07/14 | 2-3-4 Tree | 2-3-4 tree (slide)
| | |
07/17 |
Threads |
(slides) code (github) |
P7 posted | |
07/19 |
Synchronization |
cont. | | |
07/21 |
Hash Tables |
Hash (slide) |
| |
07/24 |
Big O |
BigO (slide) |
| |
07/26 |
Undirected Graphs, DFS, BFS |
Undirected Graphs (slide) |
| |
07/27 |
Lab |
(slide) |
| |
07/28 |
Directed Graphs, Topological Sort |
Directed Graphs (slide) |
P8 posted | |
07/31 |
Shortest Paths |
Shortest Paths (slide) |
| |
08/02 |
Minimum Spanning Trees |
MST (slide) |
| |
08/04 |
Sorting |
Sorting (slide) |
| |