Quantum algorithms (CMSC 858Q, Spring 2025)

Course topics

This is an advanced graduate course on quantum algorithms for students with prior experience in quantum information. The course will cover algorithms that allow quantum computers to solve problems faster than classical computers. Topics will include quantum circuits, quantum algorithms for algebraic problems, quantum walk algorithms, quantum algorithms for simulating quantum mechanics, limitations on the power of quantum computers, and selected recent developments in quantum algorithms.


This course assumes a good working knowledge of linear and abstract algebra, as well as concepts in quantum information at the level of CMSC 657: Introduction to Quantum Information Processing. In particular, you should already be very familiar with the material reviewed in Chapter 1 of the lecture notes. You are encouraged to consult with the instructor if you are unsure whether you are prepared to take the course.


Course staff

EmailOffice hours
Andrew Childs (Instructor) amchilds@umd.edu Tuesday, 3–4 pm, ATL 3359; Wednesday, 10–11 am, Zoom (link on Canvas)
Joseph Carolan (TA) jcarolan@umd.edu Monday, noon–1 pm, ATL 3100C and on Zoom (link on Canvas)
Yufan Zheng (TA) yfzheng@umd.edu Wednesday, 2–3 pm, ATL 3309C


We will use Piazza for class announcements and discussion. You should sign yourself up for the course Piazza page. This is the best way to stay up to date on what is happening in the course and to quickly get help from classmates and the course staff. Instead of emailing questions to the teaching staff, please post questions on Piazza. You can send private posts to the instructors to discuss personal issues or solution details for an open assignment, but you should make posts public whenever possible so that everyone in the class can benefit from the discussion. The course staff may change the visibility of posts when appropriate. Please do not send messages to the course staff using the Canvas messaging system.


There is no required textbook. Good sources of background material include Lecture notes will be available for all topics covered in the class. The relevant chapters will be indicated on the lecture schedule.


Grades for the course will be based on three assignments (each worth 13% of the course grade), a course project to be presented in the last few weeks of the semester (31% of the course grade), and a final exam (30% of the course grade).


There will be three assignments, which will be made available on Canvas and should be submitted using Gradescope. You are encouraged to discuss the problems with your colleagues and the instructor and to consult the research literature. However, your solutions should be written independently, based on your own understanding, and you should acknowledge any resources you consulted. The assignments will be due as follows:


For the course project, you will study a topic related to quantum algorithms that goes beyond the material covered in the lectures. You may choose to work alone or with a group of two or three students. Each group should have a unique topic.

In addition to reviewing previous work on your topic, you should identify new research directions. Outstanding projects will include some original research contributions.

Your project will include the following deliverables: Further details are outlined on the project page, including a non-exhuastive list of possible topics.

Final exam

The course will include a comprehensive, take-home final exam. The exam will be made available on the morning of Thursday, May 15 (the day of the registrar-assigned final exam slot), and will be due by 11:59 pm the same day (via Gradescope). You may choose to take the exam during any three-hour period that day.


The following schedule is tentative and will be adjusted as the semester progresses. The classes on February 25 and 27 have been rescheduled due to the QIP 2025 Conference.

Jan 28 Preliminaries, quantum circuits, the Solovay-Kitaev theorem 2 [NC App. 3] [DN] [KSV Sec. 8]
Jan 30 Solovay-Kitaev theorem 2
Feb 4 Clifford+T circuit synthesis 3 [KMM] [GS]
Feb 6 Abelian QFT, phase estimation, computing discrete logarithms 4, 5 [CEMM] [Shor]
Feb 11 Hidden subgroup problem, abelian HSP 5, 6 [CD]
Feb 13 Nonabelian HSP and its query complexity 10 [EHK]
Feb 18 Nonabelian Fourier analysis 11 [Serre] A1 (Feb 19)
Feb 20 Fourier sampling 12 [HRT] [GSVV] [CD]
Feb 21 (Makeup lecture, 3:30–4:45 pm) Kuperberg’s dihedral HSP algorithm 13 [Kuperberg] [Regev]
Feb 25 Class does not meet (QIP 2025)
Feb 27 Class does not meet (QIP 2025)
Mar 4 Schur-Weyl duality TBD TBD Proposal (Mar 5)
Mar 6 Continuous-time quantum walk 16 [CCDFGS]
Mar 7 (Makeup lecture, 10:30–11:45 am) Discrete-time quantum walk 17 [Szegedy]
Mar 11 Unstructured search, amplitude amplification, search on a graph 18 [Grover] [BHMT] [AKR]
Mar 13 Element distinctness, quantum walk search 19 [Ambainis] [MNRS] [Santha] A2 (Mar 12)
Mar 18 Class does not meet (spring break)
Mar 20 Class does not meet (spring break)
Mar 25 Quantum query complexity, polynomial method 20 [BBCMW] [HS]
Mar 27 Polynomial method 21 [Kutin]
Apr 3 Adversary method 22 [Ambainis] [HS] [SS] [HLS]
Apr 8 Adversary lower bounds 22
Apr 10 Dual of the adversary method 23 [RS] [Reichardt]
Apr 15 Quantum simulation, product formulas 25 [Feynman] [Lloyd] [BACS] [CSTWZ] A3 (Apr 16)
Apr 17 Post-Trotter simulation algorithms 26 [Childs] [BCCKS]
Apr 22 Quantum signal processing 27 [LC] [GSLW] [Lin]
Apr 24 Ground state preparation TBD TBD
Apr 29 Simulating fermions TBD TBD
May 1 Project presentations
May 6 Project presentations
May 8 Project presentations Paper (May 9)
May 13 Project presentations
May 15 (Take home) Final exam F

Course policies and academic accommodations

We will follow the standard University of Maryland graduate course policies. You should be familiar with them.

If you use an AI tool to assist in any course work (including assignments and the course project), you must disclose this in your submission, including the name of the tool and how it was used. Any use of AI tools on assignments must be consistent with the policy that the submitted work should be based on your own understanding. Your project paper should not contain any text produced by an AI tool.

Any student eligible for and requesting reasonable academic accommodations due to a disability is asked to provide, to the instructor by email, a letter of accommodation from the Accessibility and Disability Service office within the first two weeks of the semester.

If you plan to observe any holidays during the semester that are not listed on the university calendar, please provide a list of these dates by the end of the first two weeks of the semester.

Notice of mandatory reporting

As a faculty member, the instructor is designated as a “Responsible University Employee,” and must report all disclosures of sexual assault, sexual harassment, interpersonal violence, and stalking to UMD’s Title IX Coordinator per University Policy on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct.

If you wish to speak with someone confidentially, please contact one of UMD’s confidential resources, such as CARE to Stop Violence (located on the ground floor of the Health Center) at 301-741-3442 or the Counseling Center (located at the Shoemaker Building) at 301-314-7651.

You may also seek assistance or supportive measures from UMD’s Title IX Coordinator, Angela Nastase, by calling 301-405-1142, or emailing titleIXcoordinator@umd.edu.

To view further information on the above, please visit the website of the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct.

Course evaluations

Student feedback is an important part of evaluating instruction. The Department of Computer Science takes this feedback seriously and appreciates your input. Toward the end of the semester, please go to www.courseevalum.umd.edu to complete your evaluation.

Web Accessibility