Logic in Dafny

based on Slides by Jean-Baptiste Tristan & K. Rustan M. Leino

Dafny as a proof assistant

  • Dafny is a genuine programming language
    • Implemented using a compiler (including type checking) to write and execute programs
  • It is also a proof assistant
    • You can state and prove mathematical propositions
    • More generally, you can formalize mathematical theories
      • Arithmetic, set theory, group theory, measure theory, etc
  • Our ultimate goal (and Dafny's purpose) is to verify programs, not mathematics
    • Yet, an expert Dafny user must have a solid understanding of how to prove theorem in Dafny

Defining Algebraic Datatypes

  datatype Peano = 
    | Zero 
    | Succ(Peano)
What does Dafny know when we write this definition?

Algebraic Datatype Facts

  datatype Peano = 
    | Zero 
    | Succ(Peano)
  • The type Peano exists

Algebraic Datatype Facts

  datatype Peano = 
    | Zero 
    | Succ(Peano)
  • The type Peano exists (and is inhabited!)
  • Zero is constant element of the Peano datatype

Algebraic Datatype Facts

  datatype Peano = 
    | Zero 
    | Succ(Peano)
  • The type Peano exists
  • Zero is constant element of the Peano datatype
  • Given an element n of the Peano type, Succ(n) is also an element

Algebraic Datatype Facts

  datatype Peano = 
    | Zero 
    | Succ(Peano)
  • The type Peano exists
  • Zero is constant element of the Peano datatype
  • Given an element n of the Peano type, Succ(n) is also an element
  • Succ is injective
  • Succ and Zero are disjoint
  • Every element of Peano is formed by Succ or Zero
  • There is an induction principle!

Definition of theories

  • In Dafny, all of these can be expressed formally

      type Peano(0) 
      ghost const Zero: Peano 
      ghost function Succ(n: Peano): Peano 
      lemma PeanoInjectivity(m: Peano, n: Peano)
        requires Succ(m) == Succ(n)
        ensures m == n
      lemma PeanoDiff(n: Peano)
        ensures Succ(n) != Zero 
      lemma PeanoExhaustive(n: Peano)
        ensures n == Zero || exists m: Peano :: n == Succ(m)
      lemma InductionPrinciple(P: Peano -> bool) 
        requires P(Zero) 
        requires forall n: Peano :: P(n) ==> P(Succ(n))
        ensures forall n: Peano :: P(n)


  • In Dafny, you define theories with
    • Symbols
      • Types
      • Functions
      • Constants
      • Predicates
    • Propositions

Type symbols

  • Dafny is a type theory:

    • A proposition (mathematical statement) has a type: bool
    • Any term that constitutes a proposition has a type
  • You can declare the existence of types and give them definitions

  • A type can be empty

  • Types can have type characteristics

    • 00 says the type is nonempty
    • Note that auto-init (0) implies nonempty (00)
  • NaturalNumber stands for a fixed but arbitrary, nonempty type

      type NaturalNumber(00)

Constant symbols

  • You can declare the existence of constants

  • They must have a type

      ghost const zero: NaturalNumber
  • zero stands for a fixed but arbitrary constant of type NaturalNumber

  • Since we are stating zero's existence, we need to know that NaturalNumber is nonempty

  • For now, think of the keyword ghost as telling us that this constant is a mathematical object, not a programming one

Function symbols

  • A constant with a function type is called a function

  • A function symbol can be declared by function

      ghost function Successor(n: NaturalNumber): NaturalNumber
  • Functions can have

    • Type parameters
    • Typed parameters
  • Functions have a return type

Predicate symbols

  • A function with return type bool is called a predicate

  • A predicate symbol can be declared by predicate

      ghost predicate Less(n: NaturalNumber, m: NaturalNumber)
  • Note that the : bool is implicit for a predicate


  • A functional (“executable”) expression of type bool represents a mathematical formula that can be false or true

  • They are sometimes called propositions

  • Propositions can be named using a lemma

      lemma Proposition()
        ensures forall m: int, n: int :: m > 0 && n > m ==> m + n > 0
  • A lemma has a name (here, Proposition)

  • The proposition stated by a lemma is given after the ensures keyword

    • We call it the ensures clause of the lemma

Lemma schema

  • More generally, a lemma names a family of formulas

  • In the simplest case, the formula is unique

      lemma Prop() 
        ensures forall x: int :: x % 2 == 0 ==> (x / 2) * 2 == x 

Schemas with parameters

  • The lemma can have type parameters and typed parameters

  • There is one formula for each possible instantiation of these parameters

      lemma Prop<T>(x: T) 
        ensures x == x

Schemas with preconditions

  • A lemma can have a requires clause, which is a precondition

  • It restricts the set of formulas to those whose parameterizations satisfy the precondition

      lemma Prop(x: int) 
        requires x % 2 == 0
        ensures (x / 2) * 2 == x 

A General Schema

  • requires and ensures clauses contain propositions:

  •   lemma Prop(x1: T1,...) 
        requires proposition expression
        ensures proposition expression 

Propositions != expressions

  • All functional expressions of type bool are valid propositions
  • Other RHS expressions are not valid propositions
  • Some propositions are not valid functional expressions

Propositional logic

  • Type: bool

      // Constants
      lemma False()
        ensures false 
      lemma True()
        ensures true 
      // Predicates
      lemma Conjunction(a: bool, b: bool)
        ensures a && b 
      lemma Disjunction(a: bool, b: bool)
        ensures a || b 
      lemma Implication(a: bool, b: bool)
        ensures a ==> b 
      lemma Explication(a: bool, b: bool)
        ensures a <== b 
      lemma Equivalence(a: bool, b: bool)
        ensures a <==> b 
      lemma Negation(a: bool)
        ensures !a 

First-order logic

  • The language of propositions includes quantifiers that are not functional expressions

      type T
      ghost predicate P(x: T)
      lemma PredicateLogicConnectives()
        ensures (forall x: T :: P(x)) is bool
        ensures (exists x: T :: P(x)) is bool
  • Note: propositions need not be computable and they cannot always be compiled

Second-order logic

  • You can quantify over predicates and state properties from second order logic

      lemma SecondOrder()
        ensures forall P: int -> bool :: forall x: int :: P(x) || !P(x)

Higher-order logic

  • In fact, you can quantify over any value and Dafny is a higher-order logic

      lemma ThirdOrder()
        ensures forall P2: (int -> bool) -> bool :: forall P1: int -> bool :: P2(P1) || !P2(P1)

Impredicativity of propositions

  • Dafny is impredicative: a predicate can be defined by quantifying over all predicates

      lemma Impredicative()
        ensures forall x: T :: forall P: T -> bool :: P(x)

Predicativity of polymorphism

  • Dafny's polymorphism is predicative: type parameters always appear before typed parameters

  • Note, Dafny performs a syntactic rewrite called type-parameter completion on signatures1

    • This ensures that all type arguments are filled in
    • This should not be confused for first-class higher-order type operators
      type List<X>
      function F<T>(x: T): T {
      function G(): List -> List {  // expands to:  function G<_T0>(): List<_T0> -> List<_T0>
        F<List>                     // expands to:  F<List<_T0>>


  • Dafny is a partial logic: some propositions, while syntactically correct, are rejected

  • In this example, Dafny rejects this proposition because 1/x is not defined for x == 0

      lemma Partial() 
        ensures forall x: int :: x * 1/x == x 
  • Note for experts:

    • Dafny only pretends to be a partial logic
    • In reality, it ensures that nothing can be proved about an undefined term
    • The existing implementation requires propositions to be proved to be defined
    • An implementation could also ensure that nothing can be proved about an undefined term

Partiality and proofs

  • Dafny therefore needs to verify whether a proposition is acceptable

  • To do so, it actually proves that the proposition is defined

  • In this example, Dafny can prove that x will not be equal to 0

      lemma Partial() 
        ensures forall x: int :: x != 0 ==> x / x == 1
  • Conclusion: in Dafny, the language of propositions depends on provability

  • And vice versa


  • You can use Hilbert's Epsilon operator to choose a value satisfying some property

      predicate P(x: int)
      lemma HilbertEpsilon() 
        requires forall x: int :: P(x)
        ensures var x: int :| P(x); true 

Referential transparency

  • Dafny is not referentially transparent2

  • The following proposition is false in Dafny:

      lemma NotReferentiallyTransparent()
        ensures (var x: int :| true; x) == (var x: int :| true; x)


  • You can combine a type and a proposition to define a subset type

      type T
      predicate P(x: T) 
      type U = x: T | P(x)
        witness *
  • Elements of type U are elements of type T that satisfy predicate P

  • A subset type is empty if the predicate never holds

  • The witness clause allows you to provide a witness if you want to guarantee that the type is inhabited

  • The witness * clause says that the type may be empty

Empty subset types

  • Example of nonempty subset type with a witness

      type T(00)
      ghost const k: T
      type U = x: T | true
        ghost witness k


  • If type U is defined as a subset type of T then U is a subtype of T

  • Consider the following types

      type T 
      predicate P1(x: T)
      type U = x: T | P1(x) witness *
      predicate P2(x: U)
      type V = x: U | P2(x) witness *
  • U is a subtype of T

    • the inhabitants of U are those T inhabitants x for which P1(x) holds
  • V is a subtype of U

    • the inhabitants of V are those U inhabitants x for which P2(x) holds
    • the inhabitants of V are those T inhabitants x for which P1(x) && P2(x) holds

Subtyping for functions

  • Function type A -> B is a subtype of C -> D if

    • C is a subtype of A
    • B is a subtype of D
      lemma Subtyping(h: (V -> T) -> bool, f: U -> U)
        ensures h(f) 

Covariant subtyping for type parameters

  • If a type operator S is covariant in its parameter (declared with +) then

    • if U is a subtype of V, then S<U> is a subtype of S<V>
      type S<+X> 
      lemma Subtyping(f: S<U> -> bool, y: S<V>)
        ensures f(y) 

Contravariant subtyping for type parameters

  • If a type operator S is contravariant in its parameter (declared with -) then

    • if U is a subtype of V, then S<V> is a subtype of S<U>
      type S<-X> 
      lemma Subtyping(f: S<U> -> bool, y: S<T>)
        ensures f(y)

Restrictions on type synonyms

  • To ensure that it remains consistent, Dafny sometimes rejects the definition of a type operator

      type S<!X> = X -> bool
  • In this example, because of how the type parameter X is used, Dafny asks for the parameter to be marked as !

  • This limits the how it can be instantiated

  • A covariant type parameter that needs to be restricted is declared as * instead of +


  • The lemmas we have declared so far are (schemas of) axioms

  • By declaring the lemma we are making a statement that it is true

      lemma Axiom()
        ensures forall m: int, n: int :: m + n == n + m

Defining mathematical objects

  • When we axiomatize theories:
    • We posit the existence of mathematicals objects such as types, constants, functions, and predicates
    • We declare their properties
  • In general, declaring axioms must be avoided
    • It is surprisingly easy to make a mistake leading to an inconsistent theory
  • Rather than assuming the existence of mathematical objects, it is better to define them

Defining constants

  • Rather than:

      ghost const x: int
      lemma EssenceOfX()
        ensures x == 0
  • A constant can be defined by assigning it an expression

      ghost const x: int := 0

Defining simple functions

  • Rather than:

      ghost function Increment(n: int): int
      lemma EssenceOfIncrement(n: int)
        ensures Increment(n) == n + 1
  • A function can be defined by providing it with a body

  • This body can be a functional expression

      ghost function Increment(n: int): int {
        n + 1

Defining functions with quantifiers

  • The body of a mathematical function can also be a non-functional expression

      ghost predicate Valid(P: int -> bool) {
        forall x: int :: P(x)
  • In general, a mathematical function may or may not be computable

Defining partial functions

  • Rather than:

      ghost function Divide(m: int, n: int): int
      lemma EssenceOfDivide(m: int, n: int)
        requires n != 0
        ensures Divide(m, n) == m / n
  • You can define a partial function

      ghost function Divide(m: int, n: int): int
        requires n != 0
        m / n

Defining functions by description

  • Hilbert's epsilon operator can be used to define functions

      predicate P<T>(m: T, n: T)
      ghost predicate Prop<T(!new)>(m: T) {
        exists n: T :: P(m, n)
      ghost function F<T>(m: T): T
        requires Prop(m)
        var n :| P(m, n);
  • You will rarely need this for routine program verification

Axiomatizing recursive functions

  • A function can be recursive

      ghost function Factorial(n: int): int
      lemma FactorialProp0()
        ensures Factorial(0) == 1
      lemma FactorialProp1(n: int)
        requires n > 0
        ensures Factorial(n) == n * Factorial(n - 1)

Danger of axiomatizing recursive functions

  • Axiomatizing recursive functions is error prone

      ghost function Factorial(n: int): int
      lemma FactorialBogus1(n: int)
        ensures Factorial(n) == n * Factorial(n - 1)
      lemma FactorialBogus2(n: int)
        ensures Factorial(n) == n * Factorial(n)

Defining recursive functions

  • Instead, the function can be defined

      ghost function Factorial(n: int): int 
        requires 0 <= n
        if n == 0 then 1 else Factorial(n - 1)

Existence of recursive functions

  • This raises an important question: how can Dafny ensure that this function actually exists?
  • One way is to make sure that the definition of the function is well-founded
  • Intuitively, it means that the function alwasy terminates
  • In the same way that Dafny tries to prove that propositions are defined automatically
    • It also tries to prove that a function definition is well-founded on its own
    • When it cannot, you need to help Dafny

Termination — easy case

  • In most cases, the termination metric is obvious and Dafny can infer it

      function Sum(n: int): int
        decreases n // this line can be omitted, because Dafny will infer it
        if n <= 0 then 0 else Sum(n - 1)

Termination — harder case

  • If not, you can give it a termination metric using a decreases clause

      function SumUpTo(counter: int, upTo: int): int
        decreases upTo - counter // here, the decreases clause is needed; Dafny will not infer it
        if upTo <= counter then
          counter + SumUpTo(counter + 1, upTo)
  • The decrease clause is an expression that decreases at every recursive call

Definition of theories

  • When we axiomatize a theory, we posit the existence of types, constants, functions,

      type Peano(0) 
      ghost const Zero: Peano 
      ghost function Succ(n: Peano): Peano 
      lemma PeanoInjectivity(m: Peano, n: Peano)
        requires Succ(m) == Succ(n)
        ensures m == n
      lemma PeanoDiff(n: Peano)
        ensures Succ(n) != Zero 
      lemma PeanoExhaustive(n: Peano)
        ensures n == Zero || exists m: Peano :: n == Succ(m)
      lemma InductionPrinciple(P: Peano -> bool) 
        requires P(Zero) 
        requires forall n: Peano :: P(n) ==> P(Succ(n))
        ensures forall n: Peano :: P(n)

ADT Definition

  • But you can just define algebraic datatypes to get the same theory

      datatype Peano = 
        | Zero 
        | Succ(Peano)

1.Dafny Power User: Type-Parameter Completion

2.Compiling Hilbert’s epsilon operator