

Functional Programming
Functions and Expressions
Lists and Pattern Matching
Data Types


Type Systems determine what data is and how it's used


Type Checking

Type Checking: The process of determining a variable's type

Dynamic typing: type checking is performed at run-time

Static typing: type checking is performed at compile-time


Manifest (explicit) typing: explicitly telling the compiler the type of new variables

Types are associated with variables

Latent (implicit) typing: not needing to give a type to a variable

Types are associated with values

Functional Programming

Functional Programming: a programming paradigm based on functions

Programming Paradigm: classification of programming approach based behaviour of code

Functional Programming

Programming Paradigm: classification of programming approach based behaviour of code

  • Typically used interchangibly with language features

  • Many languages have a ton of overap. eg:

  • Python is imperative, object-oriented, and functional

  • OCaml is imperative, object-oriented and functional

  • But they focus on different things!

Functional Programming

Features of functional languages

  • Immutable State

  • Declarative Programming

  • Referential transparency

Functional Programming

Program State: the state of the machine at any given time

Typically described as the contents of variables

# imperative.c
x = x + 1;
a[0] = 42;

Imperative: State is mutable, changing or destructive

Functional Programming

Imperative: State is mutable, changing or destructive

Can cause side effects (which is bad)

int count = 0;
int f(Node node){ = count;
  return count;

No Referential transparency: replace expression with value with no side effects

f(x) + f(x) + f(x) != 3 * f(x) != 1 + 2 + 3

Functional Programming

Imperative: State is mutable, changing or destructive

Reality Check: No single state exists

# states.c
int x = 1;
if (fork() == 0)
  x = x + 1;
  x = x * 5;
printf("x: %d\n", x);

Functional Programming has immutable state

Functional Programming

Functional Programming uses immutable state

  • Will minimize side effects

  • Assumes referential transparency

  • Builds Correct Programs

Functional Programming

Declarative Programming

def evens(arr):
  ret  = []
  for x in arr
    remainder = x % 2
    if remainder == 0:
  return ret

as opposed to
def evens(arr):
  ret = [x for x in arr if x % 2 == 0]
  return ret

Functions and Expressions

Our First Ocaml Program

  (* *)
  print_string "Hello World!\n"
  • No semi colon (for now)
  • (* *) for comment

OCaml is a compiled language

  • a.out: executable
  • hello.cmocompiled object (.o)
  • hello.cmicompiled interface (like .h)

Functions and Expressions

Helpful Programs

  • ocaml: repl like python
  • utop: like ocaml but better
  • dune like Make
  • opam package manager for OCaml

Probably want to run dune utop src

Will need to use ;; to end epxressions in utop

Functions and Expressions

Rememeber Syntax vs Semantics

Everything is an expression (e)

  • Expressions evaluate to values (v)
  • All values are expressions, but not vice versa
  • Expressions have types (t)
  • e: t will mean expression e has type t

Functions and Expressions

1 + 3

the expression 1+3 has type int


the value true has type bool

Expressions have types

Functions and Expressions

Expressions have types

The if expression

(if e1:bool then e2:t else e3:t):t

Actual Syntax:

if e1 then e2 else e3

Static and Latent Typing

Functions and Expressions

Expressions have types

functions are expressions

(* *)
let f x = 
  if x mod 2 = 0 then
in f

The expression f has type int->int

Type Inference: inferring a variable's type

Functions and Expressions

(* *)
let f x = 
  if x mod 2 = 0 then
in f

Function Definition Syntax

let f x1 ... xn = e

Function Calling Syntax

f x1 ... xn

Functions and Expressions

Function Calling Syntax

f x1 ... xn

Things that happen

  • Each argument x is evaluated to a value v
  • Substitute all x in e with v
  • Call the new expression e'
  • Evaluate e' to value v'

Functions and Expressions

(* *)
let rec f n = 
  if n = 0 then
    n * fact (n-1)
in f
f 2;;

Type of f: int -> int

Type of f 2:int

Value of f 2: 2

Functions and Expressions

More on Type Checking

Types are inferred by operations they use

(* *)
(* compare two same types *)
1 = 1
x = y
x > y
x < y
(* x and y must have the same type *)

(* int have operators *)
3 + 4
x - y
x * y
x / y
x mod y

(* floats have different ones *)
3.2 +. 4.
x -. y
x *. y
x /. y

(* Strings have some too*)
"hello" ^ " world"

(* latent typing means inference *)
let f x y = if x > y then x else y-4;;
(* int -> int -> int *)

Let expressions

(* *)
let x = e1 in e2
  • Let expressions are not the same as let definitions
  • Bind local variables for e2
  • Scope is only for the body

Let expressions are expressions

Expressions have a type

(* *)
(let x = e1:t1 in e2:t2):t2

Let expressions

Let Expressions

Can be nested

(* *)
let x = 3 in let y = 4 in x + y

Can be used for local variables

(* *)
let area r = 
  let pi = 3.14 in
  pi *. r *. r

Variables will be shadowed

(* *)
let x = 3 in let x = 5 in x + 4

Lists and Pattern Matching

Lists are the basic data structure in OCaml

  • Arbitrary Length
  • Homogenous
  • Implemented as a Linked List
  • Can be constructed and deconstructed

Lists and Pattern Matching

Lists are the basic data structure in OCaml

(* *)
  • ; as seperator
  • Bracket Syntax
  • No indexing

List Creation

(* *)

Lists and Pattern Matching

Lists are the basic data structure in OCaml

(* *)
  • []- empty list (nil)
  • ::- cons
  • A list has a Head and Tail

Have type list

When evaluating, go right to left

Lists and Pattern Matching

Can deconstruct lists

(* *)
let x = [1;2;3] in match x with
|[] -> true
|h::t -> false

Match looks at patterns of structure

Lists and Pattern Matching

Match looks at patterns of structure

Common Patterns

(* *)
let empty x = in match x with
|[] -> true (* empty *)
|a::[] -> false (* list of size 1 *)
|h::t -> false (* list at least size 1 *)
|_ -> false (* wildcard *)

Variables are bound on order

Last item is a list

Lists and Pattern Matching

Match looks at patterns of structure

Can be put as argument

(* *)
let car (h::_) = h;;
let cdr (_::t) = t;;

Lists and Pattern Matching

Match looks at patterns of structure

Can be Polymorphic

(* *)
let car lst = match lst with 
[] -> []
h::_ -> h;;
(* lst has type 'a list *)

let rec sum lst = match lst with
[]-> 0
|h::t -> h + sum t;;
(* h has type int list *)

Lists and Pattern Matching

Used commonly in recursive functions

(* *)
let rec sum lst = match lst with
[]-> 0
|h::t -> h + sum t;;

let rec negate lst = match lst with
[]-> []
|h::t -> -h + negate t;;

let rec last lst = match lst with
[x]-> x
|h::t -> last t;;

let rec append l m = match l with
[]-> m
|h::t -> x :: (append t m)

let rec rev l = match l with
|[] -> []
| h::t -> append (rev t) (h::[])
(* rev is O(n^2) *)
(* can you do better? *)

Data Types


Like Lists, but not really

(* *)
  • Surrounded with ()
  • Seperated with ,
  • Heterogenous
  • Fixed size

Data Types


Tuples have a set Type

(* *)
(1,2) (* int * int *)
(1,"string",2.3) (* int * string * float *)
('a','b') (* char * char *)
['a';'b'] (* char list *)
[(1,2);(3,4)] (* (int * int) list *)
([1;2],[3;4]) (* int list * int list *)

Data Types


Can Pattern Match

(* *)
let add t = match t with
(a,b) -> a + b

Remember Tuples have a type based on size

(* *)
let add t = match t with
(a,b) -> a + b
|(a,b,c) -> a + b + c

Data Types


Like a weird hash

(* *)
type data = { month: string; dat: int; year: int };;
let today = { day=29; year=2020; month="feb"};;

O in OCaml stands for Object

(* *)
print_string today.month

Can also pattern match

(* *)
let { month=_; day = d} = today in
print_int d

Data Types

User Defined Types

We just saw this syntax

(* *)
type ilist = int list;;
let f x:ilist = [1;2;3;4];;
  • Like a typedef
  • type keyword will allow for an alias

    Ultimately not really useful in this form

Data Types

Variant Types are more useful

(* *)
type parity = Even | Odd 

Like an enum

(* *)
let swap x = match x with
Even -> Odd
|Odd -> Even

    Can be Pattern Matched

Data Types

Can Hold Data

(* *)
type parity = Even of int | Odd of int

Can still be Pattern Matched

(* *)
let add x = match x with
Even(x) -> Odd(x+1)
|Odd(x) -> Even(x+1)

Data Types

Can Hold Data

Can be different

(* *)
type shape = Rect of int * int | Circle of float 

Can still be Pattern Matched

(* *)
let area s = match s with
Rect (w,l) -> float_of_int (w*l)
|Circle r  -> r *. r *. 3.14

Data Types

Can be Recursive

(* *)
type linked = 
Item of string * linked

let head lst = match lst with
Item(x,_) -> x
|Null -> "";;

head (Item("Hello",Item("world", Null)));;

Data Types

Can be generic

(* *)
type 'a option = 
Some of 'a

Built into OCaml