1 Introduction and Overview
Welcome to CMSC 838E: Advanced Topics in Programming Languages; Compiler Construction, aka Advanced Compilers.
This is a graduate-level course on programming language research. In it we will explore research-level concepts related to the design and implementation of programming languages.
I try to design this course with these two constituencies in mind:
early career PhD students who are primarily interested in research areas other than programming languages, and
ambitous undergraduate students who want to go deeper than CMSC 430 and are interested in what research is all about and perahps considering going to graduate school.
For both of these groups, I try to give a sense of what PL research is all about. This means reading some papers from the PL literature and studying the tools and techniques commonly used in these papers. I want to give students a sense of the values of the PL research community and the intellectual tools they use to communicate and evaluate ideas.
It also means doing something in this domain. Computer science, and CS research in particular, is not a subject that can be passively consumed. You need to get your hands dirty doing it to really internalize what’s going on. So to that end, we will be engaging collectively in some PL research. We will build something together.
1.1 Expectations for students
While I try to design the course for two groups with different experiences and priorities, I have the same expections for all students involved in this class. I expect that you are self-directed and motivated to pursue your own educational goals and that you can collaborate with others.
Compared to an undergraduate course, graduate classes are really meant to give you an opportunity to pursue your own goals. I have some minimum expectations that every student much meet in order to pass the class, but beyond that it’s really up to you to put in what you want to get out of the class.
How deep you go is really up to you. If you’re a graduate student who wants to work in PL, there should be enough here for you to potentially find a research topic for your dissertation or at least get a sense of the lanscape in which you might work. If you’re not a PL grad student, you should at least get a sense of this area. For undergraduate students, this is an opportunity to learn what research and graduate school are all about. If you go deep and work hard, you will have a leg up when applying to graduate programs.
It’s also OK to not go deep and to only meet the minimum expectations. I understand that everyone has different priorities and constraints on their time. I will try to be explicit about these minimum expectations and provide feedback on whether you’re meeting them.
Here’s what I expect of every student:
Show up to class and be an engaged member of the classroom.
Do the weekly work that I assign, which can consist of a mixture of reading, writing, and coding.
Treat everyone in our class with courtesy and respect. It’s encouraged that we have different opinions and perspectives. I hope we can engage in rigorous and spirited debates. It’s OK to attack ideas, it is not OK to attack people.
1.2 Expectations for staff
The course staff will also strive to treat every person with courtesy and respect. We will arrive prepared for every class and respond in a timely manner when communicating. Our goal is to be here for you and provide the resources you need to succeed.
If you find that course staff are not meeting these expectations, you can submit anonymous feedback here.
1.3 What’s this course about?
This course changes from year to year, but every year I try to deliver on two goals:
Convey the basics of programming language research
Familiarize students with some aspect of cutting edge PL research
To do that this year, we are going to focus on using so-called verification-integrated programming languages. These languages take the kind of behavioral guarantees offered by statically typed languages and turn the dial to 11. They have much more sophisticated types and these types can express very strong invariants about a program.
Verification-integrated languages have seen very active development in the PL community in the past couple of decades, leading to some amazing success stories, such as CompCert which is a formally verified C compiler that is gcc compatible and seL4, a verified Linux microkernal.
There are many languages that fall in to the category of verifcation-integrated PL, each occupying different points in the design space. Some that you might want to check out, in no particular order, are:
Liquid Haskell
The last one, Coq, is probably the most mature and widely used and is the one we’ll be focusing on in this course. This is in some sense an arbitrary choice; we could’ve gone with any of the others on this list. I chose Coq because there’s a fair amount of local expertise on campus, some students have used it in CMSC 631, it takes some strong design cues from OCaml, which many folks here know, and there’s excellent material that covers how to program and prove in Coq.
The thing we going to build is a formally verified compiler for the CMSC 430 functional programming language. This will require us to cover all the basic foundational issues of defining a language and its semantics and stating and proving our compiler correctness claim, thus satisfying the first goal. Doing all of this work in verification language like Coq will satisfy the second, since building verified compilers is itself an active area of research in the PL community. Our research objective is very similar to that of the Cake ML project, although much smaller in scope.
We will do this following a similar approach to that taking in CMSC 430, which is to incrementally grow the language over time, starting from a very simple subset of the language we hope to eventually build.
I don’t know exactly how far we will get. This is not something I’ve done before, so I will be learning right alongside you. But in some sense, this is the essence of research: operating at the boundaries of your knowledge and trying to push further. It can be uncomfortable at times, and frustrutrating, but it also can be a deeply satisfying experience which I hope you’ll enjoy.