CMSC 838E: Advanced Compilers
Spring, 2023
Lectures: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:30-1:45pm, CSI 1121
Professor: David Van Horn, TA: Justin Frank
CMSC 838E is a graduate-level advanced compilers course. Its major goal is to introduce the basics of programming language theory and the use of verified programming techniques for implementing languages.
Communications: Discord
Assumptions: As a graduate-level course, the major assumption is that you are self-directed and motivated to pursue your own educational goals and that you can collaborate with others. Coming in to this course, you should know how to program in a functional programming language like OCaml and have some familiarity with programming in C and Assembly. The course is built upon the foundation of CMSC 430, but it’s not assumed you’ve taken the course; only that you can work through the material quickly.
Disclaimer: All information on this web page is tentative and subject to change. Any substantive change will be accompanied with an announcement to the class.