Compiler: convert from language to machine code
Practically: convert from language to assembly
Abstracted: convert from language to another
Abstracted: convert from language to another
Three things we need for a translator
Abstracted: convert from language to another
Three things we need for a translator
Abstracted: convert from language to another
Three things we need for a translator
Abstracted: convert from language to another
Three things we need for a translator
RE: describes a set of strings
CFGs: describes a set of strings but more of them
Grammar: structure of a langauge
We already saw a CFG
\(\begin{array}{rl} R \rightarrow & \emptyset\\ & \vert \epsilon\\ & \vert \sigma \\ & \vert R_1R_2\\ & \vert R_1\vert R_2\\ & \vert R_1^*\\ \end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{rl} R \rightarrow & \emptyset\\ & \vert \epsilon\\ & \vert \sigma \\ & \vert R_1R_2\\ & \vert R_1\vert R_2\\ & \vert R_1^*\\ \end{array} \)
Things we need for a CFG
Things we need for a CFG
Consider the simple grammar for /[01]+/
Consider the simple grammar for /[01]+/
\(S \rightarrow 0S \vert 1S \vert 1 \vert 0\)
If I want to generate the string "001"
\(S \Rightarrow 0S\)
\(0S \Rightarrow 00S\)
\(00S \Rightarrow 001S\)
\(001S \Rightarrow 001\)
This process is called deriving
Recursion allows for repetition
\(S \Rightarrow 0S\vert \epsilon\)
Seperate Non-terminals can be used for concatenation
\(S \rightarrow AB\)
\(A \rightarrow hello\)
\(B \rightarrow world\)
Unline Regex, we can refer backwards
Start at middle of string and build outward
Notation: \(a^nb^n\)
\(S \rightarrow aSb\vert \epsilon\)
Each path in a union can be a Non-terminal
\(S \rightarrow AlBC\)
\(A \rightarrow c|k\)
\(B \rightarrow i|y\)
\(C \rightarrow ff|ph\)
Recall: Grammar describes structure of a langauge
We can model this structure with a Tree
Recall: Grammar describes structure of a langauge
We can model this structure with a Tree
Recall: Grammar describes structure of a langauge
We can model this structure with a Tree
Recall: Grammar describes structure of a langauge
We can model this structure with a Tree
Recall: Grammar describes structure of a langauge
We can model this structure with a Tree
Recall: Grammar describes structure of a langauge
We can model this structure with a Tree
Recall: Grammar describes structure of a langauge
We can model this structure with a Tree
Sometimes multipe trees exist
Conisder the following grammar
\(E \rightarrow A\vert E + E\vert E - E\vert E * E\vert E / E\vert (E)\)
\(A \rightarrow 0\vert 1\vert \dots\vert 9\vert a\vert b\vert \dots \vert z\)
Consider: a - b - c
Consider: a - b - c
There are left and right derivations
Sometimes, left derivations have multiple deriviations
This is called ambiguity (which is bad)
Two ways to fix ambiguous grammars
Two ways to fix ambiguous grammars
\(E \rightarrow A\vert E + E\vert E - E\vert E * E\vert E / E\vert (E)\)
\(A \rightarrow 0\vert 1\vert \dots\vert 9\)
Can rewrite the grammar to
\(E \rightarrow \vert E + A\vert E - A\vert E * A\vert E / A\)
\(A \rightarrow 0\vert 1\vert \dots\vert 9\vert (E)\)
No longer Ambiguous, but one problem remains
No longer Ambiguous, but one problem remains
What about precedence?
Parse Trees follow Non-terminals: so add more
\(E \rightarrow E + A\vert E - A\vert A\)
\(A \rightarrow E * B\vert E / B\vert B\)
\(B \rightarrow 0\vert 1\vert \dots\vert 9\vert (E)\)
CFGs can describe programming languages
Will be the basis for parsers
An Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is the backend data structure parsers use
Basically: parse trees show how things should be parsed
Basically: ASTs are the result of parsing a parse tree