General Information
- Date: Mon., May 15, 2022
- Time/Location: If your last name starts with the letters A to R, your exam will take place in BRB 1101 (This is not our regular lecture room). If your last name starts with the letters S to Z, your exam will take place in BPS 1250 (This is not our regular lecture room). It will be from 4 to 6 PM
- Duration: 120 minutes
- Closed-book, Closed-notebooks, No Computers/Calculators.
- Use a pencil/mechanical pencil (no pen) to answer the exam.
- Bring a good eraser
- Posting any information in Piazza about the exam after taking it
is considered an academic integrity violation.
- Do not separate the pages of the exam (e.g., remove the staple).This
will interfere with the scanning process.
You need to bring your student id to the exam.
We provide space in the exam to be used as scratch area (you cannot
bring your own scratch paper).
Exam Structure
- Short answer questions: This includes for example, multiple
choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank type questions.
- Code analysis questions: We will give a short segment of code and
you may be asked to identify syntax and logical errors, generate code
output, etc.
- Code Writing: Write a program/code snippets to solve a given
problem. You should be prepared to give a complete program/class, but we may also
ask you to provide just a single method or a code fragment.
The final exam will be cumulative and include ALL the material covered in discussion session (lab),
lecture, quizzes, and projects including the following topics:
- Object-Oriented Terminology
- Java Variables and Types
- Expressions and Side Effects
- Java Numeric/String/Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Short Circuiting
- Scanner Class
- System.out.println() / System.out.print()
- Conditional Statements
- Blocks and Scoping
- Constants
- Loops (whiles, do whiles, for loops, for-each (enhanced) loops)
- String Class
- String Class Methods: toLowerCase, toUpperCase, length, charAt, substring, isEmpty
- Static and Non-Static Methods
- Constructors
- Using "this" for classes
- Instance variables
- Static variables
- Get/Set methods
- How to override the toString() method
- How to override the equals(Object obj) method
- switch statement
- StringBuffer
- One and Two Dimensional Arrays (of primitives and references)
- Ternary Operator
- Exceptions
- Privacy Leaks
- Copying Objects: Shallow, Reference, Deep Copying
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Interfaces
- break and continue
- Wrappers
- Stacks
- ArrayList
- ArrayList Class Methods: add, get, isEmpty, indexOf, remove, size
- Comparable Interface (compareTo method)
- Sorting Data Using Collections.sort()
- Polymorphism
- Method Overloading/Overriding
- Iterators
- getClass(), instanceof
- Recursion
- Integer.parseInt(), Double.parseDouble()
- Inheritance (extending other classes using "extends")
- Early and late binding
- Terms You Need to Know
- Current Object
- Index and Indices
- Instance of a Class
- Instance Variables
- Auxiliary / Helper Method
The exam will NOT cover the following topics:
- Computer Organization
- Memory Maps - Although you are not responsible for drawing memory maps, understanding
the java use of memory is important. See the information available at
Memory Map Information
- Pseudocode
- Model View Controller
- Javadoc
- Eclipse Debugger
- Java Packages
- Command line arguments
Practice Material
I am just making the material below available for extra practice, but remember the coverage/format of your exam in Spring 2023 will be different than what we/other sections of CMSC 131 did in the past. Use the material below to supplement your study, but focus on what we did this term
- Fall 2019 Lectures Notes
- Practice material we posted for semester exams #1, #2, and #3
- Lab Material that you should review. Import as Eclipse projects.
PracticeQuestions.pdf -
We don't have answers, but you are welcome to post and discuss answers in Piazza. Ignore questions that
cover material you are not responsible for the final.
PracticeFinalOther131Sections.pdf -
This practice material corresponds to another cmsc131 section.
From this material you should practice problems: 1. Arrays, 2. ArrayLists,
5. Interfaces & Classes, 7. Recursion.
PracticeFinalOther131SectionsII.pdf -
This practice material corresponds to another cmsc131 section.
From this material you should practice problems: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q6,
Q7 (Don't worry about the TreeSet part), Q8
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Old Exams in an on-line format