
CMSC 488B: Advanced Functional Programming

Spring 2022

Tuesday & Thursday, 2.00pm Eastern - 3.15pm Eastern
CSI 3118

Students will be introduced to a range of modern software engineering practices, in particular those embodied in typed, functional programming languages. Basic knowledge of functional programming in the form of OCaml (from 330) is assumed, but not prior knowledge of Haskell. Basic topics will include typeclasses, monads, and property-based testing; advanced topics may include high-level type system features such as GADTs, verification with Liquid Haskell, and practical application development, with invited talks from industry and academia experts.


Name email Hours
Leonidas Lampropoulos leonidas@umd.edu TBA
Justin Frank jpfrank@umd.edu TBA
Pierce Darragh pdarragh@umd.edu TBA

Disclaimer: All information on this web page is tentative and subject to change. Any substantive change will be accompanied with an announcement to the class via ELMS.