Collaborative Art
Icon: App name: Collaborative Art
External link to .apk: Collaborative Art APK Download
External link to github: Collaborative Art (Project Name: WordArt)
App Description: The Collaborative Art App allows for users to sign up and then add their own "Six-Word Memoirs" as well as a location associated with their memoir. Users are able to view all other memoirs that have been posted by other users and can click on those memoirs to get a dedicated view of the memoir that they clicked. Users are also able to search the memoir list by the locations that the posters assigned to their memoirs.
External link to YouTube video: YouTube Video
List of external libraries and code used in this project
  • Referenced Code (not necessarily used, but looked at to get idea how to proceed)
    • From Class
      • FirebaseEmailAuthExample
      • FirebaseRealtimeDatabaseExample
      • MapEarthQuakeMap
      • MapLocation
    • From Outside Resources
      • Android Maps
      • Android Studio - Pre-Generated Map App (New Project)
  • Libraries
    • Firebase Auth
    • Firebase Database ktx
    • Firebase Auth ktx
    • Play Services Maps
    • Recycler View

Web Accessibility