Icon: |
App name: Collaborative Art |
External link to .apk: Collaborative Art APK Download |
External link to github: Collaborative Art (Project Name: WordArt) |
App Description: The Collaborative Art App allows for users to sign up and then add their own "Six-Word Memoirs" as well as a location associated with their memoir. Users are able to view all other memoirs that have been posted by other users and can click on those memoirs to get a dedicated view of the memoir that they clicked. Users are also able to search the memoir list by the locations that the posters assigned to their memoirs. |
External link to YouTube video: YouTube Video |
List of external libraries and code used in this project
- Referenced Code (not necessarily used, but looked at to get idea how to proceed)
- From Class
- FirebaseEmailAuthExample
- FirebaseRealtimeDatabaseExample
- MapEarthQuakeMap
- MapLocation
- From Outside Resources
- Android Maps
- Android Studio - Pre-Generated Map App (New Project)
- Libraries
- Firebase Auth
- Firebase Database ktx
- Firebase Auth ktx
- Play Services Maps
- Recycler View