CMSC 420 Data Structures, Spring 2021
Current Announcements |
- Welcome to the Spring, 2021 edition of CMSC420, an on-line version of
the Data Structures class that covers
the same material as in prior
semesters, but all of the coursework and grading assessments are
Your exclusive source for everything course related
is the ELMS CMSC420
page .
This includes essential course information, TA office hours, lectures, and additional
resources. We prefer to answer all
course-related questions on piazza to give all students
equal access to all information. This policy is extremely important
when there are no scheduled on-campus meetings.
The course
contains more information regarding course procedures and content,
including a discussion of relevant University
Specification |
- Your project will be the same as that for Dr. Mount's Class.
Essentials |
Lectures: no in-person lectures.
Instructor: Michelle Hugue
Email: meeshATumd.edu
Office: 1250 IRBs
Hours: Remote, where anyone in the class can join(TBD); Live on campus(TBD) ; and by appt (TBD)
A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
(Shaffer --Required (free versions)
Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures
Foundations of Multidimensional and Metric Data Structures
(Samet--Optional) Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 2006.
Course Content |
Syllabus on Elms
Regular grading events:"Self Quizzes": extremely short on-line autograded quiz per week, with at least 2 dropped. (10%)
Major Scheduled Grading Events |
Short Tests, available by noon on start day, submitted to gradescope
by 11:59pm some later day. Start days: 2/10, 3/3, 3/24, 4/21, 5/5 (best 4 of 5)