2 Midterm 2
Due: Sat, May 2, 21:00PM
The repository contains a single markdown file m2.md, which you can edit to submit your answers to the following questions. Your submission must be pushed by 9pm on Saturday (unless you have already arranged otherwise).
During the 60 hours of the exam period, you may only ask private questions on Piazza if you need assistance for the course staff. You may not communicate or collaborate with any one else about the content of this exam.
2.1 Short answer
Question 1
[12 points]
Using only cons, '(), symbols, and literal numbers, strings, booleans, or characters, write expressions that are equivalent to each of the following:
'((10) y y z 2)
'((2) . 2)
'(a . (b . (c)))
'(quote (x 2))
`(1 . ,(add1 2))
`(1 ,@'(2 3) ,@'(x))
For example, '(1 2 3) is equivalent to (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '()))).
Question 2
[10 points]
Will the following program run forever using only a constant amount of memory, or will it eventually consume all memory and crash? Briefly justify your answer.
(begin (define (flip x) (flop (add1 x))) (define (flop y) (flip (sub1 y))) (flip 5))
How about this one? Again, justify your answer.
(begin (define (flip x) (flip (flop (add1 x)))) (define (flop y) (flop (flip (sub1 y)))) (flip 5))
Question 3
[8 points]
For each of the following expressions, which subexpressions are in tail position?
(if e0 e1 e2)
(match e0 [p1 e1] [p2 e2])
((λ (x y) e0) e1 e2)
(eq? e0 e1)
2.2 Code generation
Question 4
[20 points]
Suppose we wanted to add a set-box! operation to our language.
A (set-box! e0 e1) expression evaluates e0 and e1. The result of e0 should be a box (otherwise an error is signalled). The box is updated (mutated) to contain the value of e1. Racket’s set-box! returns a special value called void, but your compiler may have the expression return any value.
Here’s an example (note: let is used for sequencing here):
> (let ((b (box 10))) (let ((i1 (set-box! b 2))) (unbox b))) 2
Implement the following function in the compiler. (You may assume this code will be added to the Loot compiler and may use any functions given to you.)
; LExpr LExpr CEnv -> Asm ; Compiler for (set-box! e0 e1) (define (compile-set-box! e0 e1 c) ...)
2.3 Closure Conversion
Question 5
[20 points]
In our Loot: lambda the ultimate compiler we used Closure Conversion to help us implement higher-order functions on a target language that does not support higher-order functions natively (x86_64).
This was done by introducing an appropriate data structure for storing the environment and accessing the stored environment when necessary.
Now imagine that our target was not x86_64, but a dialect of Racket that did not have higher-order functions. We could still perform closure conversion!
For example, the following application of a constant function:
Using the same definitions for lookup and ext first introduced in Fraud: local binding and variables, could be transformed to the following:
(define (lam1 env y) (lookup env 'x)) (let ((x 5)) (lam1 (ext '() 'x x) 10))
Perform closure conversion on the following higher-order program:
(let ((x 10) (y 20) (z 30)) ((lambda (z) (+ x ((lambda (x) (+ x y)) y) z)) 1))
You may assume lookup and ext exist.
In order to receive full marks, show the steps of your transformation.
Clarification: I’ve completely removed map as it was only essential to the extra credit below. To get full marks you must closure convert both of the lambdas that are present in the program above.
Question 5 Extra Credit
[10 points]
Apply the full defunctionalization transformation introduced in Loot: lambda the ultimate to the following code:
(define (map f xs) (match xs ['() '()] [(cons y ys) (cons (f y) (map f ys))])) (define (main) (let ((x 10) (y 20) (z 30)) (map (lambda (z) (+ x ((lambda (x) (+ x y)) y) z)) '(1 2 3))))
You can reuse whatever you feel is appropriate, if anything, from Question 5.