InductionProof by Induction
To prove the following theorem, which tactics will we need besides
intros and reflexivity? (1) none, (2) rewrite, (3)
destruct, (4) both rewrite and destruct, or (5) can't be
done with the tactics we've seen.
Theorem review1: (orb true false) = true.
What about the next one?
Theorem review2: ∀ b, (orb true b) = true.
Which tactics do we need besides intros and reflexivity? (1)
none (2) rewrite, (3) destruct, (4) both rewrite and
destruct, or (5) can't be done with the tactics we've seen.
What if we change the order of the arguments of orb?
Theorem review3: ∀ b, (orb b true) = true.
Which tactics do we need besides intros and reflexivity? (1)
none (2) rewrite, (3) destruct, (4) both rewrite and
destruct, or (5) can't be done with the tactics we've seen.
What about this one?
Theorem review4 : ∀ n : nat, 0 + n = n.
(1) none, (2) rewrite, (3) destruct, (4) both rewrite and
destruct, or (5) can't be done with the tactics we've seen.
What about this?
Theorem review5 : ∀ n : nat, n + 0 = n.
(1) none, (2) rewrite, (3) destruct, (4) both rewrite and
destruct, or (5) can't be done with the tactics we've seen.
Separate Compilation
From LF Require Export Datatypes.
Proof by Recursion
Inductive Even : nat → Prop :=
| E_O : Even 0
| E_S : ∀ n, Odd n → Even (S n)
with Odd : nat → Prop :=
| O_S : ∀ n, Even n → Odd (S n).
| E_O : Even 0
| E_S : ∀ n, Odd n → Even (S n)
with Odd : nat → Prop :=
| O_S : ∀ n, Even n → Odd (S n).
We just wrote a "mutually inductive" definition. In short, it
says that O is Even, the successor of an Odd number is
Even and then successor of an Even number is Odd.
So let's try proving our lemma!
Lemma Even_or_Odd : ∀ (n : nat), Even n ∨ Odd n.
(* But the proof of Even_or_Odd is actually quite easy to program! *)
Fixpoint Even_or_Odd (n : nat) : Even n ∨ Odd n
(* WORK IN CLASS *). Admitted.
(* But the proof of Even_or_Odd is actually quite easy to program! *)
Fixpoint Even_or_Odd (n : nat) : Even n ∨ Odd n
(* WORK IN CLASS *). Admitted.
As we've seen, writing entire proofs in the programming language
can be quite hard. Fortunately, there is a simply program that
makes these proofs easy.
Print nat_ind.
nat_ind takes three arguments:
Coq automatically generates these "induction schemes" whenever we
define an Inductive type, and applies them when we use the
keyword induction. Let's try using it to prove Even_Or_Odd
1) A proposition [P] over natural numbers 2) A proof of [P O] 3) A proof that [P n -> P (S n)].and it constructs a recursive proof that for any n, P n.
Lemma Even_or_Odd' (n : nat) : Even n ∨ Odd n.
induction n.
- apply or_introl.
apply E_O.
- destruct IHn as [He | Ho].
+ apply or_intror. apply O_S. apply He.
+ apply or_introl. apply E_S. apply Ho.
induction n.
- apply or_introl.
apply E_O.
- destruct IHn as [He | Ho].
+ apply or_intror. apply O_S. apply He.
+ apply or_introl. apply E_S. apply Ho.
Let's take a look at the generated term:
Print Even_or_Odd'.
Eval compute in Even_or_Odd'.
Eval compute in Even_or_Odd'.
Proof by Induction
Theorem plus_n_O : ∀ n:nat, n = n + 0.
intros n. induction n as [| n' IHn'].
- (* n = 0 *) reflexivity.
- (* n = S n' *) simpl. rewrite <- IHn'. reflexivity. Qed.
intros n. induction n as [| n' IHn'].
- (* n = 0 *) reflexivity.
- (* n = S n' *) simpl. rewrite <- IHn'. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem minus_diag : ∀ n,
minus n n = 0.
(* WORK IN CLASS *) Admitted.
minus n n = 0.
(* WORK IN CLASS *) Admitted.
Here's another related fact about addition, which we'll need later. (The proof is left as an exercise.)
Theorem plus_comm : ∀ n m : nat,
n + m = m + n.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
n + m = m + n.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Proofs Within Proofs
Theorem mult_0_plus' : ∀ n m : nat,
(0 + n) * m = n * m.
intros n m.
assert (H: 0 + n = n). { reflexivity. }
rewrite → H.
(0 + n) * m = n * m.
intros n m.
assert (H: 0 + n = n). { reflexivity. }
rewrite → H.
Theorem plus_rearrange_firsttry : ∀ n m p q : nat,
(n + m) + (p + q) = (m + n) + (p + q).
intros n m p q.
(* We just need to swap (n + m) for (m + n)... seems
like plus_comm should do the trick! *)
rewrite → plus_comm.
(* Doesn't work...Coq rewrites the wrong plus! *)
(n + m) + (p + q) = (m + n) + (p + q).
intros n m p q.
(* We just need to swap (n + m) for (m + n)... seems
like plus_comm should do the trick! *)
rewrite → plus_comm.
(* Doesn't work...Coq rewrites the wrong plus! *)
To use plus_comm at the point where we need it, we can introduce a local lemma stating that n + m = m + n (for the particular m and n that we are talking about here), prove this lemma using plus_comm, and then use it to do the desired rewrite.
Theorem plus_rearrange : ∀ n m p q : nat,
(n + m) + (p + q) = (m + n) + (p + q).
intros n m p q.
assert (H: n + m = m + n).
{ rewrite → plus_comm. reflexivity. }
rewrite → H. reflexivity. Qed.
(* Of course, in this instance we can take a more direct
route by simply providing plus_comm with the desired
arguments: *)
Theorem plus_rearrange' : ∀ n m p q : nat,
(n + m) + (p + q) = (m + n) + (p + q).
intros n m p q.
rewrite (plus_comm m n).
(n + m) + (p + q) = (m + n) + (p + q).
intros n m p q.
assert (H: n + m = m + n).
{ rewrite → plus_comm. reflexivity. }
rewrite → H. reflexivity. Qed.
(* Of course, in this instance we can take a more direct
route by simply providing plus_comm with the desired
arguments: *)
Theorem plus_rearrange' : ∀ n m p q : nat,
(n + m) + (p + q) = (m + n) + (p + q).
intros n m p q.
rewrite (plus_comm m n).
Formal vs. Informal Proof
"Informal proofs are algorithms; formal proofs are code."
Theorem plus_assoc' : ∀ n m p : nat,
n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.
Proof. intros n m p. induction n as [| n' IHn']. reflexivity.
simpl. rewrite → IHn'. reflexivity. Qed.
n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.
Proof. intros n m p. induction n as [| n' IHn']. reflexivity.
simpl. rewrite → IHn'. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem plus_assoc'' : ∀ n m p : nat,
n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.
intros n m p. induction n as [| n' IHn'].
- (* n = 0 *)
- (* n = S n' *)
simpl. rewrite → IHn'. reflexivity.
n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.
intros n m p. induction n as [| n' IHn'].
- (* n = 0 *)
- (* n = S n' *)
simpl. rewrite → IHn'. reflexivity.
... but it's still nowhere near as readable for a human as a careful informal proof:
- Theorem: For any n, m and p,
n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.Proof: By induction on n.
- First, suppose n = 0. We must show
0 + (m + p) = (0 + m) + p.This follows directly from the definition of +.
- Next, suppose n = S n', where
n' + (m + p) = (n' + m) + p.We must show(S n') + (m + p) = ((S n') + m) + p.By the definition of +, this follows fromS (n' + (m + p)) = S ((n' + m) + p),which is immediate from the induction hypothesis. Qed.
- First, suppose n = 0. We must show
(* NEW NAME *)
Notation zero_neqb_S := zero_nbeq_S (only parsing).
Notation S_neqb_0 := S_nbeq_0 (only parsing).
Notation plus_leb_compat_l := plus_ble_compat_l (only parsing).