Final project presentations will be held in-class on May 10. Please make sure that all group members participate.
Your presentation should be at most five minutes long.
If you’ve never presented in CSIC before we suggest you test that your laptop works with the AV system. Several days before I give a presentation in a new room I will usually do this after classes are over.
If you are doing your final project individually, the presentation will be optional. Please e-mail both Cameron and Ben saying either that you will or will not present.
In addition to your presentation, we expect you to submit a working and polished version of your program. If you put your work on Github we will link to it on this webpage. If you don’t want to have your project publicized, you may simply e-mail us a zip
of your code.
Akbar Baig, Ryan Mackin, Walid Mohmand—Connect Four
Justin Becker, Cameron Bernhardt, Rachael Zehrung— Connect Four
Elizabeth Beers—Connect Four
Joshua Fleming— FPFF Parser
Sofie Gonzales, Robbie Morrison, Tanay Wakhare—Kakuro
Paul Hendriksen, Moses Kamoga—Crossword
Evan McIntire, Shriya Sharma—Datalog
Nelson Le, Anand Raghu, Andrew Witten— Coroutines with Continuations
Franklin Shedleski, Noah Zbozny, Amy Zhao—Tic-Tac-Toe
Paul Taylor—Chess
Richard Yu— Littlisp