Working with Abstractions
This assignment is due March 15 at 11:59 PM. Pull the Github repository and start working on Assignment2.hs
. This homework is based on that of Niki Vazou and Brent Yorgey.
Maps and Folds
We’ve seen mapping and folding on lists. Here you are required to port these patterns to trees. A Tree
is either empty or contains a value and two subtrees.
data Tree a = Nil | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Eq, Show)
For testing, we can define few trees.
t0 = Node 1 (Node 2 Nil Nil) Nil t1 = Node 0 t0 t0 t2 = Node "a" (Node "see" Nil Nil) (Node "tree" Nil Nil)
Define a
function that maps a function over all elements of a tree. Here are some examples of howmapT
works.mapT ((+) 1) t0 == Node 2 (Node 3 Nil Nil) Nil mapT ((++) "!") t2 == Node "!a" (Node "!see" Nil Nil) (Node "!tree" Nil Nil)
Define a function
that folds monoidal elements of a tree, top-to-bottom and left-to-right. Here are some examples.foldT t2 == "seeatree" getSum . foldT $ mapT Sum t1 == 6 getProduct . foldT $ mapT Product t1 == 0
Here we’re using the
constructors fromData.Monoid
. These are wrappers overInteger
that determine the monoidal operation. In the case ofSum
, andProduct
.Use your
function to define a functionelemsT
that returns the list of all the elements of a tree. Note that it is fine for the resulting list to contain duplicate elements.elemsT t0 == [2, 1] elemsT t2 == ["see", "a", "tree"]
Consider a small calculator language.
data ExprT = Lit Integer | Add ExprT ExprT | Mul ExprT ExprT
For testing purposes, we will use the following small examples.
e0 = (Lit 3) e1 = (Add (Lit 1) (Lit 1)) e2 = (Add (Lit 1) (Mul (Lit 2) (Lit 2)))
Write a function
that evaluates an expression in this language.eval e0 == 3 eval e1 == 2 eval e2 == 5
an instance of theShow e0 == "3" show e1 == "(1+1)" show e2 == "(1+(2*2))"
Create the
typeclass with the functionslit
, andmul
which parallel the constructors ofExprT
. Consider the following example.e = mul (add (lit 2) (lit 3)) (lit 4)
If you ask for the type of
you’ll getExpr a => a
. This means the type ofe
could be anyExpr
. We can use a type annotation to enforce a particular interpretation, but that requires making some instances ofExpr
.Now make each of the following types an instance of
in the obvious way.e :: ExprT == Mul (Add (Lit 2) (Lit 3)) (Lit 4)
that works like the original calculator.e :: Integer == 20
where every literal value less than or equal to0
is interpreted asFalse
, and all positiveIntegers
are interpreted asTrue
. Addition is logical or, multiplication is logical and.e :: Bool == True
where all arithmetic is done modulo7
. SinceMod7
is really just a re-interpretation ofInteger
, we define a wrapper withnewtype
.getMod7 (e :: Mod7) == 6