Project #9 CMSC 132
Due:  Friday 5/10 Object-Oriented Programming II
Type of project: Closed Spring 2019

Hash Table


For this project you will create a class called MyHashSet, which is a slightly simplified version of a HashSet. As you might guess, we will use a hash table to store the elements in the set. The "buckets" in the table will be implemented as linked lists.

If you take a look at the code distribution, you'll find a Node class nested inside the MyHashSet class. The Hash table will be an array of Node references. An empty bucket will be represented as a null entry in the array. Each Node encapsulates a data element and has a "next" reference, which will either refer to another Node in this same bucket, or will be null if this Node is the last one in the bucket.

The MyHashSet class will implement the Iterable interface, which of course means that you must implement the "iterator" method. Your Iterator will allow the user to iterate over all of the elements stored in the table. Note that you do not have to implement the remove method for the iterator.

Implementation Details

Most of the details are specified here in the Javadoc. But here are some additional remarks:

Instantiating the Table

You'll notice that the Node class has a static method called "makeArray". You must rely on this method anytime you need to create a new table. (You will need to create a new table when the MyHashSet is constructed and also when it is expanded because it has become too full.) We implemented this method for you because generics get a little tricky when used with arrays.

Size vs. Capacity

In the Javadoc, we will use the term "size" to indicate the number of data elements that are stored in the table. The term "capacity" will be used to describe the length of the table (the number of buckets).


You may assume that objects to be inserted into the MyHashSet will satisfy the "HashCode Contract", as described in class. You should use the "Multiplicative Congruence" method for determining which bucket a particular object belongs in:
bucket number = | (p * hashCode) % n |  
where p is a large prime of your choosing, and n is the capacity (length) of the table. Be sure to always use the same prime, p, throughout the life of the table!


Your Iterator should allow the user to iterate through all of the elements in the MyHashSet. The Iterator class should be implemented as an inner class of the MyHashSet class. You do not have to implement the remove method for the iterator.

The order in which the iterator traverses the data is irrelevant, and doesn't need to be the same each time.

Your "next" method should throw an IllegalStateException if someone attempts to call it at a time when hasNext would return false.

By the way, it is okay if your Iterator does not throw ConcurrentModificationExceptions even when it should.

Additional Requirements


The public tests and release tests together will comprise 100% of your grade on the project. However, keep in mind that we will be inspecting your code to be sure that you followed the rules above. If you didn't, you may receive a 0 on this project.

Web Accessibility