For this project you will write a class named Blackjack that
implements the game logic associated with a blackjack card game. The Blackjack
class implements the BlackjackEngine Java interface whose definition you
can find in the project's javadoc documentation.
Unlike other class projects, for this project you are allowed to discuss or
receive help from your classmates, but you may not exchange any code.
Every student must implement their own code. If you are assisted by a student
add the name of the student to the top of the Blackjack.java file.
This project will give you practice using classes, ArrayList
and other fundamental Java Constructs.
- (55%) Public Tests
- (15%) Release Tests
- (20%) Secret Tests
- (10%) Style
Code Distribution
The project's code distribution is available by
checking out the project
named 132Spring19Project1. The code distribution provides you with the following:
- A package called blackjackGUI - This package implements the game's
Graphical User Interface. You don't have to modify or add anything to
this package. We have provided the source code in case you are
interested to see how it works. In this package you will find a class
named PlayBlackjack which is the class you will execute if you want
to play the game through the GUI.
- A package named blackjack - In this package you will find the
shell for a class named Blackjack that implements the blackjack game
logic. This is the class you need to implement for this project.
In the blackjack package you will also find the following support classes:
Card, CardSuit and CardValue. You will use these
classes during the implementation of the the Blackjack class; you should not
modify these classes.
- PublicTests.java - This class represents the set of JUnit public
tests. The expected results for each test can be found in the text files
with a "pub" prefix. This class can be found in the tests
- A package named tests - Includes the public tests (PublicTests.java)
and a shell for a class (StudentTests.java).
Blackjack Rules
If you have been to Vegas then you are familiar with the rules to play
blackjack (also known as 21). However, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,
therefore the rules for blackjack in this project are different. If you want to
familiarize yourself with the game, check the online blackjack game available
at http://www.247blackjack.com/. Note that
the rules we will use are not exactly the same ones used in this online game.
In our blackjack version we have a dealer (person who shuffles and distribute
cards) and only one player. The game's objective is for the player to beat the
dealer by generating a hand of cards whose value is higher than the dealer's
hand without exceeding a total value of 21. The game starts by the dealer
shuffling cards (one or more decks) and dealing two cards to the player and
herself/himself (the actual order is described in the
project's javadoc documentation). One of
the dealer's cards will be face down. At this point the player will ask
for cards until he/she believes he/she can beat the dealer with the current hand
and as long the cards' total value does not exceed 21. If the hand of
cards does not exceed 21, and the player stops requesting cards (what is referred
to as "stand"), then the dealer will flip the card that was face down, and
proceed to deal cards to himself/herself as long as the cards' value is less
than 16 and does not exceed 21. If a value greater than 21 is
generated the player wins. Otherwise whoever (player or dealer) has the
hand with the highest value will win the game. The following provides
additional information about the game:
- The term "bust" refers to the scenario where the player or dealer cards'
value exceeds 21.
- The term "blackjack" refers to the scenario where in a hand of cards we
have an Ace("1") along with a "10", Jack, Queen or King.
- In our blackjack version the player cannot split a hand of cards.
If you don't know what splitting is disregard this comment.
- The value of cards "2" through "10" correspond to the numeric value
associated with the card face value.
- "1" (Ace) could be worth either 1 or 11.
- The Jack ("J"), Queen("Q") and King("K") are worth 10 points each.
- The card's suit (i.e., "SPADES", "DIAMONDS", "HEARTS", "CLUBS") has no
bearing on a card's value.
- The state of the game is defined by the values: BlackjackEngine.DEALER_WON,
BlackjackEngine.PLAYER_WON, and BlackjackEngine.GAME_IN_PROGRESS.
- Your program should handle more than one deck of cards.
- When creating a deck of cards, load the suits in the following order:
SPADES, DIAMONDS, HEARTS and CLUBS. At the same time, each suit should
be loaded starting with the ACE, followed by cards with a face value of "2"
through "10", followed by the "JACK", "QUEEN" and "KING".
- When creating more than one deck of cards, you must load one deck at
a time using the order specified above. After all the cards have been
loaded, then you can proceed to shuffle them. For instance, a game with
2 decks of cards is initially created as: Spade Ace, Spade 2, Spade 3,...
Spade Jack, Spade Queen, Spade King, Diamond Ace ... Diamond King, Heart Ace
... Heart King, Club Ace ... Club King, Spade Ace ... Spade King, ...
Club King
- Cards that are in the deck should remain "face up". (Sorry if this is
not intuitive, but that's how we're doing it.)
- When dealing a card from the deck, remove the card at position 0 (don't remove
cards from the other end of the deck).
- You must use ArrayList objects to represent the player and dealer's
cards, and the deck.
- You must use the shuffle method of the java.util.Collections
class to perform the data shuffling. You must use the shuffle
method that takes a list followed by a Random object. Notice that
the list parameter is defined as List<?>. You can ignore
that definition. The method will work with ArrayList objects.
- A player has an account with an initial value of 200 chips.
- The default initial bet is 5 chips.
- When a new game is dealt the bet amount is deducted from the account.
- When a player wins he receives twice the bet amount.
- When a player draws he receives the original bet amount.
- Immediately after checking out the code distribution, make sure you can
submit your project, even if you have not implemented the project.
Do not wait until the day the project is due to submit your project for the
first time.
- Verify that your project passes the submit server tests
- Although we will not grade them, you are welcome and encouraged to provide
your own tests in the in the file StudentTests.java
provided with the code distribution.
- Keep in mind that for this project you have three release tokens in the
submit server. Information about the test types for CS course can
be found at Test Types.
- Do not define any supporting classes.
- IMPORTANT → If you have a problem with your code
and need assistance during office hours, you need to have a student
test(s) that illustrates the problem you are experiencing.
- See Style Guidelines for information
regarding style.
- We cannot provide any information regarding release nor secret tests.
Once your project has been graded, you can see a TA if you would
like to find out why you failed a release or secret test.
Sample Run
Game Video illustrates the functionality associated with the
Suggestions on How To Start the Project
- Study the public tests before starting implementing your project.
- Notice that you can implement this project without using the GUI at