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1 The Snake Game

Lab 3: Classy Snakes


You’ll work in this lab with your newly assigned partner.

The two of you will work as a team to solve problems. At any time, one of you will be the Head and the other will be the Hands. The Head does the thinking and the Hands does the typing. Hands type only what the Head tells them to, but you’re free to discuss any issues that pop up. We’ll have you switch off during the lab to make sure each of you get practice problem solving, dealing with syntax, and getting finger exercises on the keyboard.

You both should install DrRacket, but only one instance should be use during the lab. At the end you’ll submit the lab as a pair via the UMD CS Submit Server so we can keep an eye on lab attendance.

1 The Snake Game

Reimplement the Snake Game in the class/0 language.

Please note: you’ll need to implement a class-based [Listof X] rather than using the built-in lists, as in the previous two labs. Put some thought into which data definitions should remain the same and which should be reorganized, especially the unions.