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CMSC 715: Fall 2024
Description: The objective of this course is to introduce the spectrum of research on the Internet of Things (IoT). The lectures cover a range of techniques in sensing, computing, communication, and wireless networking and connect them to various applications in analytics, localization, cyber-physical systems, mobile health, security, and wearables. This course is designed with multidisciplinary students in mind. Every topic begins from first principles and gradually ramps up to the system design and application, helping students to understand the state-of-the-art developments in this area and initiate research. Topics:
(This schedule may change due to unforeseen events and students' evolving interests)
Ice Breaker
Section 1: Principles of sensors, Signal acquisition, Sampling, Time & Frequency domains
Labor Day (No class)
Lecture 1.4: Working with Fourier equations and the properties of DFT, visualizing signals
Reference materials:
Embedded AI workshop by Nakul Garg
Assignment_1 is released. Due on Oct 1st, 11:59 pm US Eastern Time
Lecture 1.7: Case studies: Applications of frequency domain physical signal manipulation
Section 2: Perception of space and volume, Sensor array
Lecture 2.3: RADAR principles and Spatial filtering
Reference: Radars for Autonomous Driving: A Review of Deep Learning Methods and Challenges
Lecture 2.3: Spatial sensing and Array of sensors [Reference] Microphone Arrays : A Tutorial [Reference] A Brief Review of Array Theory [Reference] Multiple Emitter Location and Signal Parameter Estimation [Reference] Subspace Methods for Directions-of-Arrival Estimation
Assignment_2 is released. Due on Nov 4th, 11:59 pm US Eastern Time
Lecture 2.6: Discussion and case studies: Spatial sensing [Reference] RF-IDraw: Virtual Touch Screen in the Air Using RF Signals [Reference] FingerIO: Using Active Sonar for Fine-Grained Finger Tracking [Reference] SCALAR: Self-Calibrated Acoustic Ranging for Distributed Mobile Devices
Section 3: Learning the physical world
Lecture 3.2: Inference in physical space, part 2 (statistical inference case study) [Reference] MoLe: Motion Leaks through Smartwatch Sensors [Reference] I am a Smartwatch and I can Track my User’s Arm
Lecture 3.3: Inference in physical space, part 3 (statistical/DL inference case study)
Lecture 3.4: Inference in physical space, part 4 (DL inference case study) [Reference] Owlet: Enabling Spatial Information in Ubiquitous Acoustic Devices
Section 4: A quick tour of security/privacy around smart devices
In-class midterm examination
Section 5: A spectrum of applications
Student presentations
[Presentation-1 Nathan] Food and Liquid Sensing in Practical Environments using RFIDs
[Presentation-2 Tan] AgriTera: Accurate Non-Invasive Fruit Ripeness Sensing via Sub-Terahertz Wireless Signals
Student presentations
[Presentation-1 Jacob] An Experimental Study of GPS Spoofing and Takeover Attacks on UAVs
[Presentation-2 Raunak] Look Once to Hear: Target Speech Hearing with Noisy Examples
[Presentation-3 Daniel] Meta-Speaker: Acoustic Source Projection by Exploiting Air Nonlinearity
Project progress report due (3 pages max)
Student presentations
[Presentation-1 Evan] The Visual Microphone: Passive Recovery of Sound from Video
[Presentation-2 Jenny] EarSSR: Silent Speech Recognition via Earphones
Thanksgiving Recess (No class)
Student presentations
[Presentation-1 Roksana] Hearing Heartbeat from Voice: Towards Next Generation Voice-User Interfaces with Cardiac Sensing Functions
[Presentation-2 Ayushi] IMUGPT 2.0: Language-Based Cross Modality Transfer for Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition
Student presentations
[Presentation-1 Isabelle] Sub-word Level Lip Reading With Visual Attention
[Presentation-2 Emma] Audio–Visual Sound Source Localization and Tracking Based on Mobile Robot for The Cocktail Party Problem
Final project pitch. December 9th, Monday, 2:00 pm US Eastern Time Location: In class (IRB 2207)
Final project report due (6 pages max)