(** * Lists: Working with Structured Data *) From LF Require Export Induction. Module NatList. (* ################################################################# *) (** * Pairs of Numbers *) (** An [Inductive] definition of pairs of numbers. It has just one constructor, taking two arguments: *) Inductive natprod : Type := | pair (n1 n2 : nat). Check natprod. Check (pair 3 5) : natprod. (** Functions for extracting the first and second components of a pair can then be defined by pattern matching. *) Definition fst (p : natprod) : nat := match p with | pair x y => x end. Definition snd (p : natprod) : nat := match p with | pair x y => y end. Compute (fst (pair 3 5)). (* ===> 3 *) (** A nicer notation for pairs: *) Notation "( x , y )" := (pair x y). (** The new notation can be used both in expressions and in pattern matches. *) Compute (fst (3,5)). Definition fst' (p : natprod) : nat := match p with | (x,y) => x end. Definition snd' (p : natprod) : nat := match p with | (x,y) => y end. Definition swap_pair (p : natprod) : natprod := match p with | (x,y) => (y,x) end. (** If we state properties of pairs in a slightly peculiar way, we can sometimes complete their proofs with just reflexivity and its built-in simplification: *) Theorem surjective_pairing' : forall (n m : nat), (n,m) = (fst (n,m), snd (n,m)). Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. (** But just [reflexivity] is not enough if we state the lemma in a more natural way: *) Theorem surjective_pairing_stuck : forall (p : natprod), p = (fst p, snd p). Proof. simpl. (* Doesn't reduce anything! *) Abort. (** Solution: use [destruct]. *) Theorem surjective_pairing : forall (p : natprod), p = (fst p, snd p). Proof. intros p. destruct p as [n m]. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. (* ################################################################# *) (** * Lists of Numbers *) (** An inductive definition of _lists_ of numbers: *) Inductive natlist : Type := | nil | cons (n : nat) (l : natlist). Check nil. Check cons. Check natlist. Definition mylist := cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)). (** Some notation for lists to make our lives easier: *) Notation "x :: l" := (cons x l) (at level 60, right associativity). Notation "[ ]" := nil. Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..). (** Now these all mean exactly the same thing: *) Definition mylist1 := 1 :: (2 :: (3 :: nil)). Definition mylist2 := 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil. Definition mylist3 := [1;2;3]. (** Some useful list-manipulation functions... *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) (** *** Repeat *) Fixpoint repeat (n count : nat) : natlist := match count with | O => nil | S count' => n :: (repeat n count') end. Compute (repeat 5 1). (* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) (** *** Length *) Fixpoint length (l:natlist) : nat := match l with | nil => O | h :: t => S (length t) end. Check length. (* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) (** *** Append *) Fixpoint app (l1 l2 : natlist) : natlist := match l1 with | nil => l2 | h :: t => h :: (app t l2) end. Notation "x ++ y" := (app x y) (right associativity, at level 60). Example test_app1: [1;2;3] ++ [4;5] = [1;2;3;4;5]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_app2: nil ++ [4;5] = [4;5]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_app3: [1;2;3] ++ [] = [1;2;3]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) (** *** Head and Tail *) Definition hd (default : nat) (l : natlist) : nat := match l with | nil => default | h :: t => h end. Compute (hd 0 [4]). Definition tl (l : natlist) : natlist := match l with | nil => nil | h :: t => t end. Example test_hd1: hd 0 [1;2;3] = 1. Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_hd2: hd 0 [] = 0. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_tl: tl [1;2;3] = [2;3]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* QUIZ What does the following function do? *) Fixpoint foo (n : nat) : natlist := match n with | 0 => nil | S n' => n :: (foo n') end. Compute (foo 10 ). (* ################################################################# *) (** * Reasoning About Lists *) (** As with numbers, some proofs about list functions need only simplification... *) Theorem nil_app : forall l : natlist, [] ++ l = l. Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. (** ...and some need case analysis. *) Theorem tl_length_pred : forall l:natlist, pred (length l) = length (tl l). Proof. intros l. destruct l as [| n l']. - (* l = nil *) reflexivity. - (* l = cons n l' *) reflexivity. Qed. (** Usually, though, interesting theorems about lists require induction for their proofs. We'll see how to do this next. *) (* ================================================================= *) (** ** Induction on Lists *) (** Coq generates an induction principle for every [Inductive] definition, including lists. We can use the [induction] tactic on lists to prove things like the associativity of list-append... *) Theorem app_assoc : forall l1 l2 l3 : natlist, (l1 ++ l2) ++ l3 = l1 ++ (l2 ++ l3). Proof. intros l1 l2 l3. induction l1 as [| n l1' IHl1']. - (* l1 = nil *) reflexivity. - (* l1 = cons n l1' *) simpl. rewrite -> IHl1'. reflexivity. Qed. (** For comparison, here is an informal proof of the same theorem. *) (** _Theorem_: For all lists [l1], [l2], and [l3], [(l1 ++ l2) ++ l3 = l1 ++ (l2 ++ l3)]. _Proof_: By induction on [l1]. - First, suppose [l1 = []]. We must show ([] ++ l2) ++ l3 = [] ++ (l2 ++ l3), which follows directly from the definition of [++]. - Next, suppose [l1 = n::l1'], with (l1' ++ l2) ++ l3 = l1' ++ (l2 ++ l3) (the induction hypothesis). We must show ((n :: l1') ++ l2) ++ l3 = (n :: l1') ++ (l2 ++ l3). By the definition of [++], this follows from n :: ((l1' ++ l2) ++ l3) = n :: (l1' ++ (l2 ++ l3)), which is immediate from the induction hypothesis. [] *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) (** *** Reversing a List *) (** A more interesting example of induction over lists: *) Fixpoint rev (l:natlist) : natlist := match l with | nil => nil | h :: t => rev t ++ [h] end. Example test_rev1: rev [1;2;3] = [3;2;1]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_rev2: rev nil = nil. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (** Let's try to prove [length (rev l) = length l]. *) Theorem rev_length_firsttry : forall l : natlist, length (rev l) = length l. Proof. intros l. induction l as [| n l' IHl']. - (* l = nil *) reflexivity. - (* l = n :: l' *) simpl. rewrite <- IHl'. Abort. Theorem app_length': forall l1 l2:natlist, length (l1++l2) = length l1 + length l2. Proof. intros l1 l2. induction l1 as [|n l' IHl']. - simpl. reflexivity. - simpl. rewrite IHl'. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem rev_length_firsttry'' : forall l : natlist, length (rev l) = length l. Proof. intros l. induction l as [| n l' IHl']. - (* l = nil *) reflexivity. - (* l = n :: l' *) simpl. rewrite <- IHl'. rewrite app_length'. rewrite IHl'. simpl. rewrite add_comm. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. (** We can prove a lemma to bridge the gap. *) Theorem app_length : forall l1 l2 : natlist, length (l1 ++ l2) = (length l1) + (length l2). Proof. intros l1 l2. induction l1 as [|n l' IHl']. - simpl. reflexivity. - simpl. rewrite IHl'. reflexivity. Qed. (** Now we can complete the original proof. *) Theorem rev_length : forall l : natlist, length (rev l) = length l. Proof. intros l. induction l as [| n l' IHl']. - (* l = nil *) reflexivity. - (* l = cons *) simpl. rewrite -> app_length. simpl. rewrite -> IHl'. rewrite add_comm. reflexivity. Qed. (* QUIZ To prove the following theorem, which tactics will we need besides [intros], [simpl], [rewrite], and [reflexivity]? (1) none, (2) [destruct], (3) [induction on n], (4) [induction on l], or (5) can't be done with the tactics we've seen. Theorem foo1 : forall n:nat, forall l:natlist, repeat n 0 = l -> length l = 0. *) Theorem foo1 : forall n:nat, forall l:natlist, repeat n 0 = l -> length l = 0. Proof. intros. simpl in H. rewrite <- H. reflexivity. Qed. (* QUIZ What about the next one? Theorem foo2 : forall n m : nat, length (repeat n m) = m. Which tactics do we need besides [intros], [simpl], [rewrite], and [reflexivity]? (1) none, (2) [destruct], (3) [induction on n], (4) [induction on m], or (5) can't be done with the tactics we've seen. *) Theorem foo2 : forall n m : nat, length (repeat n m) = m. Proof. intros. induction m as [|m' IHm']. - simpl. reflexivity. - simpl. rewrite IHm'. reflexivity. Qed. (* ################################################################# *) (** * Options *) (** Suppose we'd like a function to retrieve the [n]th element of a list. What to do if the list is too short? *) Fixpoint nth_bad (l:natlist) (n:nat) : nat := match l with | nil => 42 | a :: l' => match n with | 0 => a | S n' => nth_bad l' n' end end. (** The solution: [natoption]. *) Inductive natoption : Type := | Some (n : nat) | None. Fixpoint nth_error (l:natlist) (n:nat) : natoption := match l with | nil => None | a :: l' => match n with | O => Some a | S n' => nth_error l' n' end end. Example test_nth_error1 : nth_error [4;5;6;7] 0 = Some 4. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_nth_error2 : nth_error [4;5;6;7] 3 = Some 7. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_nth_error3 : nth_error [4;5;6;7] 9 = None. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. End NatList. (* ################################################################# *) (** * Partial Maps *) (** As a final illustration of how data structures can be defined in Coq, here is a simple _partial map_ data type, analogous to the map or dictionary data structures found in most programming languages. *) (** First, we define a new inductive datatype [id] to serve as the "keys" of our partial maps. *) Inductive id : Type := | Id (n : nat). (** Internally, an [id] is just a number. Introducing a separate type by wrapping each nat with the tag [Id] makes definitions more readable and gives us flexibility to change representations later if we want to. *) (** We'll also need an equality test for [id]s: *) Definition eqb_id (x1 x2 : id) := match x1, x2 with | Id n1, Id n2 => n1 =? n2 end. (** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (eqb_id_refl) *) Theorem eqb_id_refl : forall x, eqb_id x x = true. Proof. intros. destruct x. - simpl. rewrite eqb_refl. reflexivity. Qed. (** [] *) (** Now we define the type of partial maps: *) Module PartialMap. Export NatList. (* make the definitions from NatList available here *) Inductive partial_map : Type := | empty | record (i : id) (v : nat) (m : partial_map). (** The [update] function overrides the entry for a given key in a partial map by shadowing it with a new one (or simply adds a new entry if the given key is not already present). *) Definition update (d : partial_map) (x : id) (value : nat) : partial_map := record x value d. (** We can define functions on [partial_map]s by pattern matching. *) Fixpoint find (x : id) (d : partial_map) : natoption := match d with | empty => None | record y v d' => if eqb_id x y then Some v else find x d' end. (* QUIZ Is the following claim true or false? *) Theorem quiz1 : forall (d : partial_map) (x : id) (v: nat), find x (update d x v) = Some v. Proof. intros. simpl. rewrite eqb_id_refl. reflexivity. Qed. (** (1) True (2) False (3) Not sure *) (* QUIZ Is the following claim true or false? *) Theorem quiz2 : forall (d : partial_map) (x y : id) (o: nat), eqb_id x y = false -> find x (update d y o) = find x d. Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. (** (1) True (2) False (3) Not sure *) End PartialMap.