Parallel Computing (CMSC416/CMSC616)

Assignment 1: OpenMP

Due: September 18, 2024 @ 11:59 PM Eastern Time

The purpose of this programming assignment is to gain experience in parallel programming on a cluster and OpenMP. You will start with working serial versions of four different programs, and add OpenMP directives to parallelize them. You should examine the loops in the code and figure out how to add OpenMP directives. The programs will be run on a single compute node of zaratan. There are four different serial programs that solve different problems:

  1. problem1.cpp: computes the distance between the closest two points given a vector of points
  2. problem2.cpp: computes the number of edges in a directed graph, stored in the adjacency matrix representation
  3. problem3.cpp: computes the product of elements in a vector with every odd-indexed element inverted
  4. problem4.cpp: computes the discrete fourier transform of a vector
Each problem takes two optional command line arguments (size and seed), is deterministic, and can be run with different problem sizes, and seeds. A sample Makefile can be found here.

Using OpenMP

To compile OpenMP code, we will use gcc/g++ version 11.3.0 (the default version on zaratan, which you can get by doing module load gcc on the zaratan login node), which nicely has OpenMP support built in. In general, you can compile problems in this assignment with:

        g++ -fopenmp -O2 -o problem1 problem1.cpp
The -fopenmp tells the compiler to, you guessed it, recognize OpenMP directives.

The environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS sets the number of threads (and presumably cores) that will run the program. Set the value of this environment variable in the script you submit the job from. The value of this variable defaults to using all available cores, and you might not want to do that always.

A sample batch script can be found here.

Running and testing correctness of the problems

Each problem can run without any command line arguments to run a small test problem. This can be used to test correctness of your modified program. This is how you can test correctness for the default case:

  • Problems 1 through 3 print some value on standard out (redirected to a file if you use the provide batch script), which you can compare between the modified version and the original version (make two copies of the .cpp files, and redirect output from the two executables to different files).
  • For problem 4, we want you to make a copy of the dft function in the file, call it dft_omp, modify dft_omp to use OpenMP, and then change line 61 to call dft_omp instead. Problem 4 will automatically print if your modified function is correct.
We also want you to ensure that your modified code runs correctly in a variety of scenarios. So run the OpenMP versions with different OMP_NUM_THREADS=1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 (this will require modifying the provided batch script). In addition, try these command line arguments for each problem (these should also be used for performance studies, more on that below):
  • problem1: 16384
  • problem2: 8192
  • problem3: 67108864
  • problem4: 8192
You can play with the optional second argument which changes the initial seed used to generate random numbers for filling the vectors in each problem. This can help with testing correctness.

Studying performance of the problems

Finally, we want you to time the problems to study their performance when using an increasing number of threads. To time your program, use omp_get_wtime() by placing one call before the function call you want to time and another after it. Sample timing code below:

    double totalTime = 0.0; 

double start = omp_get_wtime();
... work to be timed ...
totalTime = omp_get_wtime() - start;

printf("TIME %.5f\n", totalTime);
Also, in order to minimize performance variability, you want to add these to your job submission steps or script:

        #SBATCH --mem-bind=local
#SBATCH --exclusive


What to Submit

You must submit the following files and no other files:

  • A short PDF report (called report-assign1.pdf) that describes what you did.
  • In the same report, discuss the performance of running each problem with the larger sizes above (for 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 threads on a single node).
  • modified problem1.cpp, problem2.cpp, problem3.cpp, problem4.cpp, files with OpenMP directives.
  • A Makefile to compile all four problems.
You should put the code files, Makefile and report in a single directory (named LastName-FirstName-assign1), compress it to .tar.gz (LastName-FirstName-assign1.tar.gz) and upload that to gradescope.


  • zaratan primer
  • omp_get_wtime() example
  • Use the compiler flag -g while debugging but -O2 when collecting performance numbers for the report.
  • Make sure that your batch script has the --exclusive flag when collecting execution times.


The project will be graded as follows:

Component Percentage
Problem 1 Runs correctly on 4 and 16 threads 10 + 10
Problem 2 Runs correctly on 4 and 16 threads 10 + 10
Problem 3 Runs correctly on 4 and 16 threads 10 + 10
Problem 4 Runs correctly on 4 and 16 threads 15 + 15
Writeup 10