Assignment 6: Squid Game
Due: Monday, Nov 14, 11:59PM EST
The goal of this assignment is to hone your testing skills.
The Game
The autograder for this assignment includes a collection of compilers that implement Assignment 5: Arity Checking, Rest Arguments, Case Functions, and Apply and a reference interpreter.
You must submit a list of programs that will be run on each compiler. If a compiler produces a result that is inconsistent with the reference interpreter, it is eliminated. Your goal is to construct a set of test programs that eliminate the largest number of compilers. The player that eliminates the largest number of compilers, wins.
When you submit, choose a name to display on the leaderboard. It does not need to be your real name, but please keep it appropriate for this setting.
After submitting, click "Leaderboard" to see the latest standings.
There are 133 compilers included. Your score will be the number of compilers you are able to eliminate, with a maximum score of 100.
We reserve the right to update the reference interpreter and will announce any changes on Discord.
The following updates have been made since the release:
The interpreter now checks for integer overflow and crashes when this happens, thereby making overflow behavior unspecified for the compilers.
The interpreter now crashes when interpreting unbound variables instead of producing 'err, making unbound variable behavior unspecified.
Submissions should be written using the following format:
#lang info (define programs (list '[ (add1 1) ] '[ (write-byte 97) ] '[ (define (f x) (+ x x)) (f 5) ]))
If you’d like to include a program reads data from the standard input port, you can add an enties which are two-element lists, where the first element is a string that is used as the contents of the input port and the second element is the program, for example:
#lang info (define programs (list '[ (add1 1) ] '[ (write-byte 97) ] '[ "abc" [ (read-byte) ]] '[ (define (f x) (+ x x)) (f 5) ]))
You may add as many programs as you’d like to the file.
You should submit on Gradescope. You should a single file named info.rkt that conforms to the format shown above.