Test: routine that checks the operation of your code
Why Test
Things to Test
How to Test
Types of Tests
Unit test: testing units of a program
let rec three_in_a_row lst = match lst with
[] -> false
|[_] -> false
|[_;_] -> false
|[a;b;c] -> a = b && b = c
|a::b::c::t if a = b && b = c then true else three_in_a_row t;;
We can test in utop:
three_in_a_row [1;2;2;2;3;4]
three_in_a_row [1;2;2;3;2;4]
three_in_a_row [1]
We can test in utop:
three_in_a_row [1;2;2;2;3;4]
three_in_a_row [1;2;2;3;2;4]
three_in_a_row [1]
Or use a Testing Framework (OUnit, JUnit, Minitest)
let tests = "Testing for tiar" >::: [
"valid" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal true (three_in_a_row [1;2;2;2;3;4]));
"seperated" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal false (three_in_a_row [1;2;2;3;2;4]));
"not enough" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal false (three_in_a_row [1]));
let tests = "Testing for tiar" >::: [
"valid" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal true (three_in_a_row [1;2;2;2;3;4]));
"seperated" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal false (three_in_a_row [1;2;2;3;2;4]));
"not enough" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal false (three_in_a_row [1]));
There are some limitations
Enter Property Based Testing
Enter Property Based Testing
Property Based Testing (PBT): testing if code satisfies properties
Property: Something we expect to be true
Property: Something we expect to be true
Some examples
Once we have a property, we need to express our property in terms of code
fun x -> is_even (x*2) = true
Then use a pbt framework (like qcheck)
let even_test = Test.make (int) (fun x -> is_even (x*2) = true) in
QCheck_runner.run_tests [even_test]
Limitations on PBT