CMSC756/ENEE769M: Robotics
Section: [0101]
Time: [TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm]
Location: [IRB 2107]
About the Course
Robotics is the study of robot design, programming, and control. Typically
a robot is referred to as an agent that can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks -- both
with and without human intervention. A robot is often manifested and realized by mechanical
and electrical components to carry out its actions in the physical world. Robots frequently
receive input from noisy sensors, consider geometric and mechanical constraints, and operate
in the physical world through imprecise actuators. The design and analysis of robot algorithms
and computational elements, therefore, raises a unique combination of questions in
computational and differential geometry, algorithm design, control theory, mechanics,
computer science, and system engineering.
In this course, we will give an overview on fundamental components of robotic systems,
including the sensing and actuation, control and modeling of motion and perception, dynamics
and kinematics, motion planning and manipulation of robots. Students will learn about
implementation of basic simulation programs that produce interesting results and verify its
correctness. The goal of this class is to get students an appreciation of computational methods
and engineering issues for modeling robots. We will discuss various considerations and
tradeoffs used in designing various methodologies (e.g. time, space, robustness, and
generality). This will include data structures, algorithms, computational methods, simulation
techniques, runtime complexity, system implementation and integration, in the context of
multi-disciplinary design.
Tentative Syllabus is attached here.
Topics will include kinematics (forward and inverse), dynamics, actuation, perception, control, planning, multi-agent navigation and all related applications.
Expected workload for the course
Suggested Reading and Textbooks