
CMSC 412

Operating Systems

Fall 2021

CMSC 412: Operating Systems (4)

Midterm on October 7. From the beginning till the class on Sept 30. Closed books and notes. 

Midterm II on Nov 18. From the material covered from Oct 5 to Nov 11. Closed books.



President Pines provided clear expectations to the University about the wearing of masks for

students, faculty, and staff. Face coverings over the nose and mouth are required while you are indoors

at all times. There are no exceptions when it comes to classrooms, laboratories, and campus offices.

Students not wearing a mask will be given a warning and asked to wear one, or will be asked to leave

the room immediately. Students who have additional issues with the mask expectation after a first

warning will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for failure to comply with a directive of

University officials.


The class will be held in person, conforming to the university guidelines. Attendance in the class and the recitation sections is required. Excused absences will be permitted according to the university rules.

This is a project-oriented course in which you must complete 7 projects. The details of the projects will be discussed in the recitation sections More details about the functioning of this will be announced here or through Piazza.

Teaching Assistants will be holding regular office hours

You should regularly visit this page and Piazza.

*   Professor

*   Teaching Assistant

*   Course Overview

*   Schedule

*   Slides from lecture

*   Videos

*   Homework

*   Piazza

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last modified 08/28/2020 AKA 

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