
CMSC 412

Operating Systems

Fall 2020
CMSC 412: Operating Systems (4)

READ THIS FIRST- In this time of COVID-19, we intend to follow all the directives of the University, and the State. Accordingly, all instruction will be on-line this semester. The rigor of the course will not be compromised in this process. This is a 4-credit course which, when offered in person, includes two lectures and two recitation sections each student has to attend. This semester will be a little different.

Videos for the lectures (usually 30 to 45 minutes) will be posted on Mondays and Wednesdays (if not before) and students are required to watch them before the Zoom sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For Zoom sessions which will start at 11:00 and will be organized in 5 sessions of 15 minutes each. The class will be organized in 5 groups and one group is to participate in the discussion of the content of the video in person. Attendance in these group sessions is a requirement unless you have an excused absence (as specified by the University). You are supposed to attend only the 15-minute session of your group.

This is a project-oriented course in which you have to complete 7 projects. The details of the projects will be discussed in the recitation sections which will also post videos before the sessions and then discuss the project in the announced timeslots. More details about the functioning of this will be announced here or through Piazza.

Teaching Assistants will be holding regular office hours on Zoom. We will be using Quuly system to make office hours more effective for the students and the TAs.

There will be regular quizzes and the grades on them will be a major component in the course grade.


You should regularly visit this page and Piazza.





*   Teaching Assistant

*   Course Overview

*   Schedule

*   Slides from lecture

*   Videos

*   Homework

*   Piazza

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last modified 08/31/2020 AKA 

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