Assignment 2: Racket Primer
Due: Tues, Sept 10, 11:59PM
The goal of this assignment is to gain practice programming in Racket.
You are given a repository with a main.rkt file that contains a number of sections. In each section there are several function “stubs,” i.e. incomplete function defitions with type signatures, descriptions, and a small set of tests. Each function has a bogus (but type correct) body marked with a “TODO” comment. Your job is to replace each of these expressions with a correct implementation of the function.
The last section of problems deals with functions that operate over a representation of expressions in a lambda-calculus-like language and asks you to compute a few simple facts about the given expression.
Make sure you do not rename the file. Also make sure not to change the name or signature of any function given to you. You may add any additional functions that help you solve the overall problem you’re tackling.
You can test your code in several ways:
Running the code in DrRacket will (by default) run the test submodule and print out a report of any test failures. This is actually a configurable preference, but it is on by default.
Using the command line raco test main.rkt from the same directory as main.rkt.
- Pushing to github. The repository is set up to use Travis CI, a “continuous integration” system, to automatically run the test suite when a push occurs. You should get email notifications if tests fail. You can also see test reports at:
(You will need to be signed in in order see results for your private repo.)
Note that running racket main.rkt from the command line will not run the tests.
Pushing your local repository to github “submits” your work. We will grade the latest submission that occurs before the deadline.