Assignment 4:   Closure conversion, LLVM code emission

Assignment 4: Closure conversion, LLVM code emission

Your task on assignment 4 is broken up into two phases—closure conversion and LLVM IR emission.

The first phase runs output from assignment 3 through a function closure-convert which expects inputs that satisfy cps-exp? and should produce outputs that satisfy proc-exp?. This phase removes all lambda abstractions and replaces them with new make-closure and env-ref forms. Remaining atomic expressions other than variable references are lifted to their own let bindings. Finally all function calls must be non-variadic. This can be done by turning all fixed-arity functions into variadic functions and then all variadic functions into unary functions that take an argument list explicitly.

e ::= (let ([x (apply-prim op ae)]) e)

    | (let ([x (prim op ae ...)]) e)

    | (let ([x (lambda (x ...) e)]) e)

    | (let ([x (lambda x e)]) e)

    | (let ([x (quote dat)]) e)

    | (apply ae ae)

    | (ae ae ...)

    | (if ae e e)

ae ::= (lambda (x ...) e)

     | (lambda x e)

     | x

     | (quote dat)

dat is a datum satisfying datum? from utils.rkt

x is a variable (satisfies symbol?)

op is a symbol satisfying prim? from utils.rkt (if not already removed)

After this phase, the target should be in the proc-exp? language: a list of first-order procedures that can be turned into LLVM functions directly. The outermost program term should be encoded in a main procedure (proc (main) ...).

p ::= ((proc (x x ...) e) ...)

e ::= (let ([x (apply-prim op x)]) e)

    | (let ([x (prim op x ...)]) e)

    | (let ([x (make-closure x x ...)]) e)

    | (let ([x (env-ref x nat)]) e)

    | (let ([x (quote dat)]) e)

    | (clo-app x x ...)

    | (if x e e)

dat is a datum satisfying datum? from utils.rkt

x is a variable (satisfies symbol?)

op is a symbol satisfying prim? from utils.rkt (if not already removed)

nat is a natural number satisfying natural? or integer?

The second phase converts this first-order procedural language into LLVM IR that can be combined with a runtime written in C to produce a binary. You must implement proc->llvm so that it takes a program p (a list of procedures) and produces a string encoding valid LLVM IR. Applying eval-llvm on this string should return the correct value.

This interpreter will make sure that the runtime, header.cpp, is compiled to a file header.ll before it concatenates your llvm code onto this compiled LLVM IR and saves the result to combined.ll. This file is then compiled and run using clang++ combined.ll -o bin; ./bin. If you run eval-llvm and do not see correct output, you can investigate further by looking at the text of combined.ll and trying to compile and run it manually.

The assignment 4 starter contains a file utils.rkt which provides useful functions and a specification for the proc-exp? language, its interpreter eval-proc and the llvm compile-and-run routine eval-llvm.

To reduce the scope of the final compiled code and resolve any ambiguity in the assignment, you may continue to assume all inputs are correct programs, and, for assignment 4, that all tests are public. If you can pass every public test provided (files in tests/public/), you should get 100% on the assignment. Each file is turned into a test that starts clo- and one that starts to-llvm-; these test that input through just closure conversion or through llvm respectively (the latter requires that closure-conversion also work properly). Tests that end in .scm are scheme inputs, tests that end in .cps are cps-exp? inputs.

Some unsorted advice for assignment 3:

Extra credit opportunities: There are a few extra-credit tests which check the efficiency of the final LLVM code emitted. Any code that is syntactically and semantically valid will be accepted by non-extra-credit tests, regardless of output efficiency (within reason). Some suggestions for passing these tests include: inlining LLVM IR for common prims, using the DFA approaches we talked about to perform local optimizations, using our 0-CFA from class to determine when fixed-arity functions do not need to be converted into variadic functions (tricky, but can make a big difference).


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