Undergraduate Honors Seminar – Fall 2017

Instructor Dave Levin
Class Wednesdays 1:00-1:50, 4172 AVW
Office hours Tu 3:00-4:00, 3411 AVW, or by appointment

Course Overview

The goal of this course is to prepare undergraduate students to do research in any area of computer science, collaborating with students and faculty to: perform experiments, read and write research papers, and give presentations to an academic audience.

We will look at good research in diverse areas of computer science so that students can both choose an area of research wisely and recognize fruitful research questions within larger projects.

The course will also cover tools and techniques for collaborative authoring and typesetting of research papers.

In sum, the goal is to convey knowledge that students tend to acquire individually though reading or tutoring by graduate students. Students at the end of the course should be ready to contribute meaningfully to active projects or even to direct their own research


50% Group research project

A final group project, performed in collaboration with a CS faculty member.

20% Reading responses

Write up responses to the readings.

15% Homeworks

Gain hands-on experience with the tools commonly used when doing research.

14% Class participation

Engage in class discussions.

  1% Meet your professor

Meet with Dave one-on-one to discuss something unrelated to class.


There are no required texts. Papers and various resources will be provided throughout the semester.

Final Exam

There is no final exam for this course.

Web Accessibility