CMSC 122
Sections 0101, 0201, 0301
Assignment:     Project #5
Due Date:     Wednesday 12/06, 11:00PM



For this project you will implement a webpage that displays the names of the 50 most populated countries in the world. The user can select a color and a font with which to display the country names. They also have the ability to filter the names by length. Finally, the user can filter the country names by choosing to exclude countries containing any combination of the letters 'N', 'A', or 'O'.


Here is a demonstration page that illustrates what your webpage should look like and how it will work.

Below is a screenshot of the program, for your reference:


To begin this project, please download the following zip file. It contains the files Project5.html, Project5.js, and Project5.css. For this project you must completely separate your HTML, Javascript, and CSS into these three files, respectively. Note that the file Project5.js already contains code that declares an array of country names (to save you from typing in 50 country names!)


This project requires a significant amount of time. Please start working on the project early. Office hours get busy during the few days before the project is due, and you may not get the help you need if you wait too long. As always, we will not grant project extensions due to technical problems on your end.


Radio Buttons for Colors

List Box for Fonts

Text Boxes for Length Filtering

Checkboxes for Letter Exclusion Filters



To submit your project, follow these steps:

  1. Create a zip file called that includes the following files:
    • Project5.html
    • Project5.css
    • Project5.js
  2. Upload the zip file using the submit server available at: Make sure you select the submit server entry (Project #5) that corresponds to this project.
  3. After submitting your project, make sure you download from the submit server the submitted file and verify that what you have submitted is correct. Important: you must uncompress (extract) what you download from the submit server, otherwise it may not be rendered correctly. We will not accept projects sent via e-mail.
Academic Integrity

Please make sure you read the academic integrity section of the syllabus so you understand what is permissible in our projects. We want to remind you that we check your project against other students' projects and any case of academic dishonesty will be referred to the University's Office of Student Conduct.

Web Accessibility