CMSC 122
Assignment:     Project #2
Due Date:     Thursday 10/12 at 11:00PM

"My Major" Web Page


This project will give you further practice with HTML, but the real challenge will be carefully using CSS to render the style for the page.


For this project you will create a webpage about your major. It will look very similar to the example, shown here.

Warning: This project requires a significant amount of time. Please start working on the project immediately. Office hours get busy during the few days before the project is due, and you may not get the help you need if you wait too long. As always, we will not grant project extensions due to technical problems on your end.


We strongly recommend creating a folder (visible within Komodo Edit) called "Project2". All of the work you do on this project should go in this folder. This includes the HTML page that you will create, which you should call "index.html", the CSS file that you will create, which you should call "project2.css", and the four photos that go along with your page.



Submitting the Project

You will be submitting a zip file. Please be sure that all of your work (your HTML file, your CSS file, and your photos) are in a folder called "Project2". Create a zip file that includes this folder, as follows. On Windows, right-click the folder, then choose "send to, compressed (zipped) folder". DO NOT USE A UTILITY LIKE 7-ZIP OR WINRAR. The procedure is similar on a Mac.

You will not receive credit for submitting a file that is not a standard "zip" file. In particular, "rar" files or "7z" files will not be graded. Submit the zip file to the submit server, by logging in, selecting Project 2 (My Major), and uploading the zip file to the server. You may submit as many times as you like -- we will only grade the last submission. Late submissions received up to 24 hours beyond the deadline will be accepted, but will be penalized 20 points. No submissions will be accepted more than 24 hours past the deadline.

After you have submitted the project, we strongly recommend downloading your submission from the submit server. It will give you a zip file. Unzip this file and verify that the contents are as they should be. It should contain your HTML file, your CSS file, and all of your photos.

Web Accessibility