Page 3: friends.html
You must create a page called "friends.html". Below is a screenshot of an example of how this page should
appear. Scroll down further to see the list of specific requirements for this page.
Requirements for this page
- The title of the page should be "My Friends"
- The photos you include can be your friends, family members, mentors, influences, or something similar. If you're having trouble
finding pictures of people you know you can use "imaginary friends" by finding photos from the internet. But it would be more
fun if you manage to actually include photos of some people you know!
- The heading at the top should be heading size 3, and should say "My Friends" or "My Family", or "My Mentors" or something similar.
- You must create a table for the content with a border that is solid and 2 pixels wide.
- The table must be rectangular and should include alternating rows of table heading elements (the captions above the pictures) and pictures. In
other words, the first row of the table should contain a bunch of "table heading" elements. Mine are "Brigid", "Tom", and
"Christina". The next row contains photos of Brigid, Tom, and Christina. The row after that should be table heading elements again, followed by photos.
- All photos must appear on the web page as size 150 by 150.
- You must have at least 2 rows of photos (so four rows altogether), and each row must contain exactly three elements. You may include additional
rows if you are really motivated and you have a lot of friends.
- At the bottom there must be a link that looks just like mine. This link must be functional -- when
the user clicks this link it will take them back to the index.html page.