Professor Samir Khuller and Professor Aravind Srinivasan awarded Amazon Research Awards for 2018

Professor Samir Khuller and Professor Aravind Srinivasan have each received an Amazon Research Award (ARA) for 2018.  Khuller and Srinivasan are two of eighty-two top researchers from around the world to have received this award. Their work—and the work of their students—will have contributions to open-source projects. ARA aims to fund projects that lead toward a PhD degree or conducted as a part of post-doctoral work. Khuller and Srinivasan will each work with an Amazon research contact and may choose to speak to researchers at Amazon worldwide about their projects. 

As ARA recipients, Khuller and Srinvasan will also publish their research outcomes and share their related code in open-source code repositories. 


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