Daniel Gottesman
Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS), 3251 Atlantic Building, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20817 USA
E-mail: dgottesm@umd.edu
Home Page:
Education and Work Experience
(More Details)
Selected Awards and Honors
(Longer List)
Selected Conference Talks
(Longer List)
- Plenary speaker at
XXII International
Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Hobart,
Australia, July 1998)
- Tutorial speaker at
Information Processing 2000 Workshop (Montreal, Quebec, Dec. 1999)
- Invited speaker at
Short Course on Quantum Computation at
AMS Annual Meeting (Washington DC, Jan. 2000)
- Invited speaker at
on Conventional and non Conventional Computing (Torino,
Italy, June 2000)
- Invited speaker at EuroWorkshop on
Quantum Computer Theory: in search of viable Optimal design
(Torino, Italy, June 2001).
- Invited speaker at International
Symposium on Quantum Computing - Nano Science & Technology for
Implementation of Quantum Computers (Tokyo, Japan, March 2002).
- Tutorial speaker at Quantum Electronics and Laser Science
Conference (Long Beach, California, May 2002).
- Invited speaker at
Workshop on Quantum Information (Seoul, Korea, June 2002).
- Plenary speaker at Conference on
Number Theory and Combinatorics in Physics (Gainesville, Florida,
March 2003).
- Invited speaker at Fields
Institute Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control
(Toronto, Ontario, July 2004)
- Invited speaker at
Institute focus week on quantum gravity and quantum information
(Cambridge, UK, December 2004).
- Invited speaker at
NATO Advanced Study Institute
in Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Chania, Greece, May
- Invited speaker at
Royal Danish
Academy of Sciences and Letters Symposium on Quantum Information (Copenhagen,
Denmark, November 2005).
- Lecturer at Institut Henri Poincare program on
Quantum Information,
Computation and Complexity (Paris, France, January-April 2006).
- Invited speaker at
2006 Quantum
Information Science Gordon Research Conference (Barga, Italy, May
- Invited speaker at
7th European QIPC
Workshop (London, UK, October 2006).
- Tutorial speaker at APS
March Meeting (Denver, Colorado, March 2007).
- Plenary speaker at
Canadian Operator Symposium (Guelph, Ontario, June 2007).
- Invited speaker at
2007 International Conference on Quantum Information Processing and
Communication (Barcelona, Spain, October 2007).
- Invited speaker at Ninth
International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and
Computing (Calgary, Alberta, August 2008).
- Invited speaker at
Quantum Information Science Gordon Research Conference (Big Sky, Montana,
September 2008).
- Invited speaker at xQIT Conference on Difficult Problems in
Quantum Information Theory (Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 2008).
- Invited speaker at Short Course on Quantum Information at
2009 AMS Annual
Meeting (Washington, DC, January 2009).
- Invited speaker at
Conference on Quantum Computing and Complexity of Quantum Simulation
(London, UK, March 2009).
- Invited speaker at Quantum
Theory and Symmetries 6 conference (Lexington, Kentucky, July 2009)
- Invited speaker at Workshop
on Quantum Computation and Quantum Spin Systems (Vienna, Austria, August
- Invited speaker at
on Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Computation and Information
(Trieste, Italy, June 2010)
- Invited tutorial speaker at
Advanced school
in quantum information processing and quantum cryptography (Montreal,
Quebec, June 2010)
- Invited talk at Simons
Conference on New Trends in Quantum Computation (Stony Brook, New York, November 2010)
- Invited talk at Workshop on Difficult
Problems in Quantum Information Theory (Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 2011)
- Invited talk at Quantum
Computer Science workshop (Montreal, Quebec, October 2011)
- Keynote talk at 2nd International
Conference on Quantum Error Correction (Los Angeles, California, December 2011)
- Invited talk at Quantum
Science Gordon Research Conference (Easton, Massachusetts, Aug. 2012)
- Plenary lecture at Quantum Innovators workshop (Waterloo, Ontario, Sep. 2012)
- Invited talk at IV Workshop-school
in quantum computation and information (Fortaleza, Brazil, Oct. 2012)
- Invited speaker at Qstart Conference (Jerusalem, Israel, June 2013)
- Plenary talk at QIP 2014 (Barcelona, Spain, January 2014)
- Invited talk at APS March Meeting (Denver, Colorado, March 2014)
- Invited talk at QuICS workshop (College Park, Maryland, March 2014)
- Invited talk at Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information (Guelph, Ontario, June 2014)
- Tutorial talk at AQIS 2014 (Kyoto, Japan, August 2014)
- Keynote talk at QEC 2014 (Zurich, Switzerland, Dec. 2014)
- Invited talk at Quantum Noise and Model Reduction Workshop (Laurel, Maryland, Jan. 2015)
- Invited talk at SQuInT Workshop (Berkeley, California, Feb. 2015)
- Invited talk at Simons Institute Hamiltonian Complexity reunion workshop (Berkeley, California, May 2015)
- Invited talk at QuICS workshop (College Park, Maryland, Sep. 2015)
- Invited talk at APS March Meeting (Baltimore, Maryland, Mar. 2016)
- Tutorial talks at It From Qubit Summer School (Waterloo, Ontario, July 2016)
- Invited talk at QEC 2017 (College Park, Maryland, Sep. 2017)
- Invited talk at KITP conference on Frontiers of Quantum Information Physics (Santa Barbara, California, Oct. 2017)
- Invited lectures at Boulder Summer School on Quantum Information (Boulder, Colorado, July 2018)
- Invited speaker at SPIE conference Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VII (online, Dec. 14-18, 2020)
- Invited talk at NASA Quantum Conference (online, Aug. 18, 2021)
- Rapporteur at 28th Solvay Conference on Physics (The Physics of Quantum Information) (Brussels, Belgium, May 21, 2022)
- Keynote speaker at Quantum Error Correction Summer School (Tarrytown, New York, July 5, 2022)
- Invited talk at Heraeus Seminar on Coping with Errors in Scalable Quantum Computing Systems (Bad Honnef, Germany, Jan. 8, 2023)
- Invited talk at CQIQC conference (Toronto, Ontario, Aug. 28, 2024)
- Invited talk at workshop Theoretical and Experimental Advances in Quantum Error Correction (Princeton, New Jersey, Feb. 5, 2025)
Public Lectures
- Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference
(Toronto, Ontario, January 2004).
- Ryerson University ITM Speaker Series (Toronto, Ontario, March
- Quantum
Information Science Festival (Calgary, Alberta, January 2005).
- Canadian
Undergraduate Technology Conference (Toronto, Ontario, January
- Perimeter Institute Public Lecture (Waterloo, Ontario, April 2007).
(Recording: PIRSA:07040020)
- "The Next Big Question"
Tour for Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (Halifax, Nova
Scotia, September 2007 and Toronto, Ontario, November 2007).
- Panelist on PI Quantum To Cosmos
panel discussion, "Harnessing Quantum Physics" (Waterloo, Ontario, October 2009).
- Panelist at the World Science Festival, "The Next Quantum Leap: Here, There, and Everywhere" (New York, New York, May 2015)
- Fall 2000: Math 324F, "Advanced Multivariable Calculus I,"
University of Washington Mathematics department
- Spring 2003: Reading course on "Quantum Error Correction,"
UW Physics department
- Winter 2004: CO 639,
"Quantum Error Correction," UW Combinatorics and Optimization
- Winter 2007: "Quantum
Error Correction," Perimeter Institute
- Winter 2010: Quantum Information review,
- Winter 2011: Quantum Information review,
- Winter 2012: QIC 890/CO 781/CS 867,
"Quantum Error Correction and Fault Tolerance," co-taught with Debbie Leung, University of Waterloo
- Winter 2012: Quantum Information review, PSI
- Winter 2014: QIC 890,
"Quantum Error Correction and Fault Tolerance," co-taught with Robert Koenig, University of Waterloo
- Winter 2015: Quantum Information review, PSI
- Spring 2016: QIC 890/CS 867, "Quantum Error Correction and Fault Tolerance", at University of Waterloo
- Winter 2018: QIC 890/CS 867, "Quantum Error Correction and Fault Tolerance," co-taught with Beni Yoshida, UW course held at Perimeter Institute
- Winter 2018: Quantum Information Review, PSI
- Winter 2019: Phys 635, Quantum Information Review, PSI
- Winter 2020: QIC 890/CS 867, Quantum Error Correction and Fault Tolerance, University of Waterloo
- Winter 2021: Phys 635, Quantum Information Review, Perimeter Scholars International (PSI) course (held on-line, with recorded lectures from previous years plus question-answering sessions)
- Fall 2021: CMSC 657, Introduction to Quantum Information Processing, University of Maryland
- Fall 2022: CMSC/Math/ENE 456, Introduction to Cryptography, University of Maryland
- Spring 2023: CMSC 858L, Quantum Complexity, University of Maryland
- Fall 2023: CMSC/Math/ENE 456, Introduction to Cryptography, University of Maryland
- Spring 2024: CMSC 858G, Quantum Error Correction and Fault Tolerance, University of Maryland
- Fall 2024: CMSC 657, Introduction to Quantum Information Processing, University of Maryland
Selected Professional Activities
- Co-moderator, quant-ph
e-print archive (2003-).
- Chair of arXiv.org Physics Advisory Committee (2013-2016).
- Member of arXiv.org Scientific Advisory Board (2017--2022), emeritus member of arXiv.org Scientific Advisory Council (2023--present)
- Consultative board member for Alice & Bob
- Editorial board member for
Virtual Journal of Quantum
Information (2001-2012).
- Conference organization, as a principal organizer:
- Co-chair, QIP
2004 conference.
- Co-organizer, quantum information session,
Canadian Math
Society Summer 2005 meeting
- Co-organizer, Taming the
Quantum World (June 2007)
- Co-organizer,
quantum computation II (June 2007)
- Member of organizing committee for
and Entanglement workshop (May 2010)
- Program committee chair for
QIP 2011 (January 2011)
- Co-organizer, From Monopoles to Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation, Conference in Honor of John Preskill’s 60th Birthday (March 2013)
- Chair of organizing committee, What can we do with a small quantum computer?
(December 2013)
- Co-organizer, International Workshop on Quantum LDPC Codes (July 2014)
- Co-organizer, Workshop on Hopf Algebras in Kitaev's Quantum Double Models (July - Aug. 2017)
- Co-organizer, QuICS 10th Anniversary Symposium (January 2025)
- Conference committee membership
- Grant review panels:
- SFB grant review panel for FWF (Austria, 2008)
- xQIT visiting committee member (MIT, 2008)
- Book reviews:
- of Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information,
eds. Hoi-Kwong Lo, Sandu Popescu, and Tim Spiller, World Scientific
(1998), in Quantum
Information and Computation, vol. 2, no. 2 (March 2002),
pp. 177-178.
- of A. Yu. Kitaev, A. H. Shen, and M. N. Vyalyi, Classical and
Quantum Computation, American Mathematical Society (2002), in American Mathematical
Monthly, Dec. 2003.
- of J. Audretsch, Entangled Systems: New Directions
in Quantum Physics, in The Physics Teacher, Oct. 2007,
DOI: 10.1119/1.2783167.
- of Andrew Whitaker, The New Quantum Age: From Bell's Theorem to Quantum Computation and Teleportation, in
Physics Today, vol. 66, no. 3 (March 2013), pp. 57-58,
DOI: 10.1063/PT.3.1920.
- News and viewpoint articles:
- "Jump-Starting Quantum Error Correction with Entanglement,"
Science 314, 427-428 (2006), Perspective on T. Brun, I. Devetak,
M.-H. Hsieh, "Correcting Quantum Errors with Entanglement". Free reprints
full text).
- "Keeping One Step Ahead of Errors," Physics 5, 50 (2012),
DOI: 10.1103/Physics.5.50,
Viewpoint on H. Bombin, Ruben S. Andrist, Masayuki Ohzeki, Helmut G. Katzgraber, and M. A. Martin-Delgado,
"Strong Resilience of Topological Codes to Depolarization,"
Phys. Rev. X 2, 021004 (2012).
- "Quantum Computing: Efficient Fault Tolerance," Nature 540, 44Ð45 (2016),
DOI: 10.1038/nature20479,
News & Views on T.J. Yoder, R. Takagi, & I. L. Chuang,
Phys. Rev. X 6, 031039 (2016).
- "Deciphering Errors to Reduce the Cost of Quantum Computation," Comm. ACM 64, No. 1 (Jan. 2021).
- Patents:
- Daniel Gottesman,
Patent 6,128,764: "Quantum error-correcting codes and devices".
- Isaac Chuang, Daniel Gottesman,
Patent 7,246,240: "Quantum Digital Signatures".
- Hoi-Kwong Lo, Daniel Gottesman,
Patent 7,415,114: "Quantum Key System and Method".
- Daniel Gottesman, U.S. patent pending: "Systems and methods for use of a maximally sensitive set of states to identify coherent errors in a quantum system".
- CIFAR Senior Fellow in Quantum Information Processing program:
$25,000/year (beginning 2003, renewed 2007 and 2013, ending 2019)
- NSERC Discovery grant: $30,000/year (2004 - 2009)
- Participant in NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Robust Quantum Simulation: $25,000,000 (Sep. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2026)
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Mar. 13, 2025