Advanced Topics in Computer Systems: Wireless Network Security

Spring 2002

Professor Bill Arbaugh (
Time Fri: 12:00 - 2:30
Place CSS 1113
Office hours Fri: 3:00 - 4:00 and by appointment (AVW 4137)
Texts (not required but recommended) Applied Cryptography, Bruce Schneirer

Handbook of Applied Cryptography, Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, and Scott A. Vanstone

Ad-hoc Networking, Charles Perkins

Links NIST Ad Hoc Wireless Networking Links

Rice University Monarch Project: Mobile Networking Architectures

UMN Wireless Networking Seminar

MIT: The Grid Ad Hoc Mobile Networking Protocol

Ohio State Paper

Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing

NRL Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Page

Ad Hoc Networking Links


CMSC 414 or a knowledge of cryptography and security. Additionally, knowledge of IP based networking will be extremely helpful.

NOTE: This course will cover a wide range of topics within computer science and security. If you are unable to quickly grasp new ideas quickly, you will have difficulty in the class.

Course Description
This course will cover wireless networking security at the graduate level. The recommended course texts above will be augmented with research papers and mongraphs. At the end of this class, students will have a solid understanding of both wireless networking and the security issues associated with it. NOTE: Students are expected to have either received a B or better in CMSC 414 or have comparable knowledge.

The material in this course will depend directly on student interests and input. Once we cover the basics of ad-hoc networking and the differences in wireless networking, we'll select research papers and mongraphs to fill the remainder of the class slots.  We'll also have an occasional guest speaker.

Course Work

There will be four requirements as part of this course. The first will be a presentation and critique of a research paper or monograph relevant to the course. The second requirement will be a group project and paper, and the third will be a final exam. Finally, the fourth requirement will be to attend at least three research talks presented (likely at times other than normal class hours) during the semester by outside speakers.

Late assignments will only be accepted under exceptional circumstances AND with prior arrangement. A penalty may apply.

Grading Policy
 Final grades will be determined using the following distribution:


Class Presentation and talk attendance 20%
Group Project 50%
Final Exam 30%

Details on how each will be graded will be handed out in class.

Schedule of Classes
No. Date Topic and Reading Assignment
1 Feb 1  WLAN "Security", class hand-out.
2 Feb 8 Ad-hoc routing and security,  class hand-out
3 Feb 15 Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector Protocol and cluster based networks

4 Feb 22 Dynamic Source Routing Protocol; Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance-Vector Protocol
5 Mar 1

Securing Ad Hoc Networks

Mitigating Routing Mis-behaviour in Mobile ad hoc networks

6 Mar 8 Secure Routing for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

Using the Fluhrer, Mantin, and Shamir Attack to Break WEP

A Secure Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks

Scalable Routing Strategies for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

7 Mar 15

Adaptive Security for Multi-layer Ad-hoc Networks

Intrusion detection in wireless ad-hoc networks

Self-certified keys -- Concepts and Applications

8 Mar 22 Defining the Continuum of Trust

A Network-Centric Approach to Embedded Software for Tiny Devices.

Active Message Communication for Tiny Network Sensors

9 Apr 5 Adaptive Demand-Driven Multicast Routing in Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc

Performance Comparison of two on-demand routing protocols for ad hoc networks

10 Apr 12 On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol in Multihop Wireless Mobile Networks

Overlay Networks

Nodes Bearing Grudges: Towards Routing Security, Fairness, and Robustness in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Security on the Move: Indirect Authentication using Kerberos

11 Apr 19 Guest Speaker: Dr. Gary McGraw
12 Apr 26

Generating RSA Keys on a Handheld Using an Untrusted Server

A Distributed Light-Weight Authentication Model for Ad-hoc Networks

Providing Robust and Ubiquitous Security Support for Mobil Ad Hoc Networks

13 May 3 Authenticated Ad Hoc Routing at the Link Layer for Mobile Systems

SEAD Secure Efficient Distance Vector Routing for Mobile Wireless Ad-Hoc networks.

Self-securing ad-hoc wireless networks

14 May 10

The Resurrecting Duckling: Security Issues for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks

"Ariadne: A Secure On-Demand Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks"

Course Review

Final Exam May 16 (1pm - 3pm) AVW 3258