Selected Papers on Networks
Performance Evaluation of Preemptive Protocol for Voice Data
Integration in a Ring-based LAN/MAN, to appear in
Performance Evaluation (with Mukherjee and Saha).
IP on ATM Local Area Networks,
IEEE Communication Magazine, Vol. 32, No. 8, August 1994,
pp. 52-59 (with Saha, Ghosal, and Chao).
An Analysis of Two Flow Control Techniques, Proceedings of the 1982 ACM
SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems,
August - September, 1982, pp. 241-249 (with Harbitter).
A Common Framework for Studying the Performance of Channel Access Protocols,
Proceedings of CPEUG 82, October 1982, pp. 365-373 (with Ramakrishanan).
A Software Tool for Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems,
Proceedings of CPEUG 82, October 1982, pp. 139-154 (with Agrawala and Thareja).
Predictive Congestion Control in High-Speed Networks, Proc. of
Second IFIP WG6.1/WG6.4 International Workshop on Protocols
for High-Speed Networks, California, November 1990 (with Ko and Mishra).
Optimal End-to-End Sliding Window Flow Control in High Speed Networks,
Proceedings of Tenth Annual IEEE International Phoenix Conference on
Computers and Communications, Arizona, March 1991 (with Ko).
A Comparative Study of Media
Access Control Protocols for Integrated Services Ring LANs,
of International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, June
1993 (with Mukherjee).
A Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Time Constrained Message
Transmission on A Slotted Ring Lan,
Proceedings of the IEEE 14th Real-Time Systems Symposium,
December 1993 (with Mukherjee, Saha, and Saksena).
On Guaranteed Delivery of Time-Critical Messages in DQDB,
to appear in the Proceedings of INFOCOM '94 (with
Saha, Saksena, and Mukherjee).
Design of Error Control Strategies for Reliable Multicast,
to appear in the Proceedings of INFOCOM '94 (with Bhagwat and Mishra).