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ABR Multicast


This page contains my moderate research contributions including my Research Research_Interests, Projects, Publications, Unrefereed Papers, Technical Reports, Talks, and CV. It also includes downloadable test collections I developed.

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Research Interests

bulletInformation Retrieval and Filtering
bulletDesign and evaluation of retrieval systems
bulletLarge-scale text processing using the MapReduce framework
bulletSearching informal media
bulletAdaptive online learning for topic tracking

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Research Projects

bullet Ivory [June 2009 - Precent]
bulletHLT COE [Sep 2007 - May 2008]
bulletJIKD-Email [June 2005 - May 2008]
bulletEmail Team's web site
bulletJIKD web site
bulletCASS: Time-critical Information Filtering [June 2004 - May 2005]
bullet Instance-Based Networking  [Apr. 2003 - May 2004]
bulletproject web site
bulletin brief
bulletAutonomous Transport Protocol [Apr. 2003 - May 2004]
bulletproject web site
bulletin brief
bulletDistributed Object Lookup Service Over NICE [Dec. 2002]
bulletFeedback Consolidation in Point-to-Multipoint Connections of ABR Service in ATM Networks. [M.Sc. Thesis, July 2001]
bulletHuman Face Recognition [B.Sc. Graduation Project, July 1997]

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Journal Publications

bulletMaking Sense of Archived Email: Exploring the Enron Collection with NetLense
Hyunmo Kang, Catherine Plaisant, Tamer Elsayed, and Douglas W. Oard
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), accepted in October 2009, to appear.
bulletInstance-Based Networking: A Communication Paradigm for Mobile Applications
Moustafa Youssef, Tamer Elsayed, Mohamed Hussein, Tamer Nadeem, Adel Youssef and Liviu Iftode
Mobile Computing and Communications Review. Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 66-67, October 2003.
Download : GZiped postscript , PDF

Conference Publications

bulletArabic Cross-Document Coreference Detection
Asad Sayeed, Tamer Elsayed, Nikesh Garera, David Alexander, Tan Xu, Douglas W. Oard, David Yarowsky, and Christine Piatko
Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL 2008), pp. 357-360, August 2009.
Download: PDF
bulletPairwise Document Similarity in Large Collections with MapReduce
Tamer Elsayed, Jimmy Lin, and Douglas W. Oard
Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL 2008), pp. 265-268, Columbus, OH, June 2008. [Oral Presentation - 20% acceptance ratio]
Download: Paper PDF, Slides PPT
bulletResolving Personal Names in Email Using Context Expansion
Tamer Elsayed, Douglas W. Oard, and Galileo Namata
Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL 2008), pp. 941-949, Columbus, OH, June 2008. [Oral Presentation - 20% acceptance ratio]
Download: Paper PDF, Slides PPT
bulletKnowledge Representation from Information Extraction
Tan Xu, Douglas W. Oard, Tamer Elsayed, and Asad Sayeed
Proceedings of Joint Conference on Digital Libraries JCDL’08, June 15-20, 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Download: Short Paper PDF, Poster PPT
bulletModeling Identity in Archival Collections of Email: A Preliminary Study
Tamer Elsayed and Douglas W. Oard
3rd Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS), pp. 95-103, Mountain View, July 2006.
Download: Paper PDF, Slides PPT
bulletOn Evaluation Of Adaptive Topic Tracking Systems
Tamer Elsayed and Douglas W. Oard
28th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 597-598, August 2005.
Download: Poster PPT, Short Paper PDF
bulletATP: Autonomous Transport Protocol
Tamer Elsayed, Mohamed Hussein, Moustafa Youssef, Tamer Nadeem, Adel Youssef and Liviu Iftode
IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, December 2003, Cairo, Egypt.
Download: PDF
bulletAutonomous Transport Protocol
Tamer Elsayed, Mohamed Hussein, Moustafa Youssef, Tamer Nadeem, Adel Youssef and Liviu Iftode
Research poster at the Eleventh Annual International Conference on Network Protocols, (ICNP) 2003, Atlanta, GA, USA, November 4-7, 2003
Download: Poster PPT, Short Paper PDF


bulletIBN: A Communication Paradigm for Mobile Applications
Moustafa Youssef, Tamer Elsayed, Mohamed Hussein, Tamer Nadeem, Adel Youssef and Liviu Iftode
Research poster at the Ninth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, (MobiCom) 2003, San Diego, CA, USA, September 14-19, 2003
Download: Poster PPT, Short Paper PDF
bulletImproved Algorithm for Feedback Consolidation in Multicast ABR Connections
Tamer Elsayed, Mohamed N. El-Derini, Mohamed S. Selim and Magdi A. Ahmed
The 1st IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Cairo, Egypt, December 28-30, 2001
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Refereed Workshop Papers

bullet Cross-Document Coreference Resolution: A Key Technology for Learning by Reading
James Mayfield, David Alexander, Bonnie Dorr, Jason Eisner, Tamer Elsayed, Tim Finin, Clay Fink, Marjorie Freedman, Nikesh Garera, Paul McNamee, Saif Mohammad, Douglas Oard, Christine Piatko, Asad Sayeed, Zareen Syed, Ralph Weischedel, Tan Xu and David Yarowsky.
AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium, Workshop of Learning by Reading and Learning to Read. March 2009.

Unrefereed Workshop Papers

bulletOf Ivory and Smurfs: Loxodontan MapReduce Experiments for Web Search
Jimmy Lin, Donald Metzler, Tamer Elsayed, and Lidan Wang
Proceedings of the Eighteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2009), Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 2009.
bulletTREC 2006 at Maryland: Blog, Enterprise, Legal and QA Tracks
Douglas W. Oard, Tamer Elsayed, Jianqiang Wang, Yejun Wu, Pengyi Zhang, Eileen Abels, Jimmy Lin, and Dagbert Soergel
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2006), pp. 199-214, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 2006.
bulletTDT-2004: Adaptive Topic Tracking At Maryland
Tamer Elsayed, Douglas W. Oard, David Doermann, and Gary Kuhn
In Working Notes of Topic Detection and Tracking (TDT) 2004 Evaluation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 2004.
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Technical Reports

bulletPersonal Name Resolution in Email: A Heuristic Approach
Tamer Elsayed, Galileo Namata, Lise Getoor, and Douglas W. Oard
Tech. Rep. LAMP-TR-150, University of Maryland, March 2008.
Download: PDF 
bulletATP: Autonomous Transport Protocol
Tamer Elsayed, Mohamed Hussein, Moustafa Youssef, Tamer Nadeem, Adel Youssef and Liviu Iftode
Tech. Rep. UMIACSTR-2003-52 and CS-TR-4483, University of Maryland, May 2003.
Download: PDF 
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bulletIdentity Resolution in Email Collections, CLIP Colloquium, February 2009. PPT
bulletNo, Not That PMI: Creating Search Technology for E-Discovery. Joint talk with Jason Baron, Douglas W. Oard, and Lidan Wang. iSchool Colloquium, College Park, MD, October 2008. PPT
bulletComputing Pairwise Document Similarity in Large Collections: A MapReduce Perspective, Guest Lecture in "Introduction to Cloud Computing" Class - Fall 2008, College Park, MD, October 2008. PPT
bulletResolving Personal Names in Email using Context Expansion, ACL Conference, Columbus, OH, June 2008. PPT
bulletPairwise Document Similarity in Large Collection with MapReduce, ACL Conference, Columbus, OH, June 2008. PPT
bulletUsing MapReduce for Scalable Coreference Resolution, HLT COE at JHU, Baltimore, MD, June 2008.  PPT
bulletIvory, CMU Mini-workshop, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2008. PPT
bulletThe Enron and W3C Collections, ICAIL DESI Workshop, Stanford, CA, June 2007. PPT
bullet Modeling Identity in Archival Collections of Email: A Preliminary Study, CEAS Conference, Mountain View, CA, July 2006. PPT
bulletATP over IBN, College Park, MD, May 2003. PPT
bulletFeedback Consolidation in Point-to-Multipoint Connections of ABR Service in ATM Networks", Alexandria, Egypt, July 2001. PPT PDF
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Test Collections

bulletMention Resolution in Enron