Fast Time-Dependent Evaluation of Integrated Services Networks.
An application to a network with routing, admission, and scheduling control
can be found.
Numerical Evaluation of Hierarchical QoS Routing.
An application to a network with adaptive hierarchical QoS routing.
Evaluation of Ensemble Transients of Large IP Networks (ps.gz, 100K).
The Z-iteration method for open networks of M(t)/M(t)/1/K queues, and application
to IP networks.
Empirical TCP Profiles and Application (ps.gz, 4M).
TCP profiles and their application to the Z-iteration evaluation
of TCP/IP networks.
Fast Evaluation of Ensemble Transients of M(t)/M(t)/* Networks (ps.gz, 95K).
The Z-iteration method for open networks of M(t)/M(t)/1/K queues.
Z-iteration for RED TCP/IP Networks.
Preliminary results on Z-iteration for TCP/IP networks with RED routers.
Z-iteration for CBQ TCP/IP Networks.
Preliminary results on Z-iteration for TCP/IP networks with
CBQ (class-based queueing) routers.
Z-prototyper :
Z-iteration implementation for connection-oriented networks (1997).