CMSC414-0301: Skip-Final Option (SFO)
First, let's define some terms:
Your X-score is your course total score obtained by setting
your final exam score to the weighted average of your exams 1-4, and
your project 8 score to the weighted average of projects 1-7.
Your Y-score is your X-score with the project 8 share replaced
by your actual project 8 score (after its grading is completed).
Your Z-score is your Y-score with the final exam share
replaced by your actual final exam score.
(after all grading is completed).
On Thu May 9,
I will announce tentative cutoffs for course grades A, B, C, D, F.
Call them X-cutoffs.
Let Z-cutoffs refer to the ultimate grade cutoffs I will use.
The Z-cutoffs will be no higher than the X-cutoffs.
(Eg, Z-cutoff's B ≤ X-cutoff's B)
You have two options:
Skip the final:
Your course grade is determined by your Y-score and the Z-cutoffs.
(It is no worse than that from your Y-score and X-cutoffs.)
Do the final:
Your course grade is determined by your Z-score and Z-cutoffs.
(It can be better or worse than that from your Y-score and X-cutoffs.)