CMSC 414
Spring 2011
Course topics roughly in order of coverage (NS is the course text):
NS chapter 1 (Introduction): all sections.
NS chapter 2 (Introduction to Cryptography): all sections.
NS chapter 3 (Secret Key Cryptography):
sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 (DES),
In section 3.3, you should be familiar with DES
(e.g., fig 3-2, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 3-8),
but you need not know low-level details
(such as permutation in section 3.3.2 and fig 3-8,
permutation of the key in section 3.3.3 and fig 3-4,
figs 3-9 to 3-17).
NS chapter 4 (Modes of Operation):
sections 4.1, 4.2.1, 4.2.2 (skip and
NS chapter 5 (Hashes and Message Digests):
sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 (MD4), 5.7 (HMAC).
Regarding MD4,
be familiar with its overall structure
(padding, checksum iteration, hash computation iteration),
but no need to know details
(such as exact number of passes, pi-table, constants).
NS chapter 6 (Public Key Algorithms):
sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 (RSA), 6.4 (Diffie-Hellman).
In RSA, skip the following:
section (Finding big primes p and q);
section (optimizing RSA private key operations);
section 6.3.5 (Arcane RSA threads).
In Diffie-Hellman,
skip section 6.4.3 (ElGamal) and section 6.4.5 (Safe Primes).
NS chapter 9 (Overview of Authentication Systems): all sections.
NS chapter 10 (Authentication of People): all sections.
NS chapter 11 (Security Handshake Pitfalls): all sections.
NS chapter 12 (Strong Password Protocols): all sections.
NS chapter 16 (Real-time Communication Security): sections 16.1 through 16.6.
NS chapter 13 (Kerberos V4):
sections 13.1 through 13.8, 13.11.
NS chapter 14 (Kerberos V5): TBD
NS chapter 15 (Public Key Infrastructure):
sections 15.1-15.6
NS chapter 17 (IPSec): all sections.
Regarding the IPv4, IPv6, ESP, and AH headers,
know the overall structure and the important fields
(e.g., source address, destination address, TTL, protocol number, SPI),
but no need to know the order of the fields or their sizes.
NS chapter 18 (IPSec): all sections except 18.7.
In section 18.5.10,
know the overall structure of the handshakes
but no need to know the fine details.
NS chapter 19: sections 19.1 to 19.8.