Old Lectures for CMSC 651 (from 1998). These change each time
I teach the course
- Lecture 1: Overview of Course
- Lectures 2 and 3: Kruskal's MST
Algorithm and Disjoint Sets Data Structure
- Lecture 4: Boruvka's
Algorithm and Yao's Algorithm for MST
- Lecture 5: Finish Yao's algorithm
and start Amoritized Analysis
- Lecture 6: Binomial Heaps
and Fibonacci Heaps
- Lecture 7: Fibonacci Heaps
- Lecture 8: Binomial heap creation and Dynamic Tables (Chap 18) + Matchings
- Lecture 9: Faster Matching Algorithm and Two Processor Scheduling
- Lecture 10: Weighted Matching
- Lecture 11: Weighted Matching (photocopied notes distributed)
- Lecture 12:Stable Marriage Problem
and discussed Sample Midterm
- Lecture 13: Flows
- Midterm, OCT 25th.
- Lecture 14: No notes -- Read Tarjan's book for Blocking Flow methods.
- Lecture 15: No notes -- Read Handout (Papadimitriou and Steiglitz).
- Lecture 16: No notes -- Applications of Flows.
- Lecture 17: Preflow-Push Flow Method - read CLR.
- Lecture 18: Min cost flows
- Lecture 19: Min cost flows
- Lecture 20:Min cost flows:Applications (photocopy from book)
- Lecture 21: Linear
- Lectures 22 and 23:The Primal-Dual Method (handwritten notes)
- Lecture 24: NP-completeness (Chap 36)
- Lecture 25: NP-completeness (Reductions)
- Lecture 26: Cook's Theorem
- Lecture 27: Summary of Course (Intro to approximations)