Project FAQ
- Is there some sample data file for the project?
There will some available on the class webpage soon.
- Which programming language are we supposed to use?
You can use any programming language. BUT You MUST provide a Makefile
and make sure that your program run on CS or WAM accounts.
- Should our program take input file as a parameter?
The test file will be an argument. e.g. to run the program you type
shortestpath inputfile
- The algorithms that you provided for part one designed for either
non negative or positive edge costs. In our project, do we or do we NOT
allow for zero cost edges?
You could do either version for the project. So you may assume that all
inputs with cost > 0.
- Should our output be stored in a file?
Your output should be stored in a file.
- Can we assume that the graph is acyclic?
This is not a valid assumption.