Immersive Media Design |
The Immersive Media Design major officialy starts in fall 2021. This new major gives UMD students an opportunity to study at the forefront of art and technology, working with new media, new algorithms, and new collaborations. |
Research |
An alumni of the UMD Computer Vision Lab (CVL), my research over the years has involved local collaborations on the practical applications of imaging in different fields. Major projects have included the diagnosis of glaucoma through the analysis of retina depth data from the Zeiss Confocal Laser Scanning Ophthalmoscope, done in collaboration with the JHU Wilmer Institute; the registration of Earth satellite data for remote sensing applications, done in collaboration with NASA-Goddard; and continuing work on the development of standards for visual sensors for flexible manufacturing robotics applications, in collaboration with NIST-Gaithersburg. Currently I'm focusing on computer vision applications in the studio and performing arts. |
Publications at Google Scholar | Cambridge Press book on Image Registration for Remote Sensing |
Teaching |
The year 2017 marked 40 years since my first time in the classroom as an undergraduate TA running a recitation section in introductory calculus, and since then teaching has been my priority. My teaching has emphasized introductory courses in computer science, both major-oriented courses in programming and non-major courses with a broader perspective. I designed the online activities for the best selling breath-first CS0 text by Brookshear, and have been teaching non-major courses in computer art with Processing and Arduinos. I've also focused on computer graphics and human interface design, and have an interest in algorithmic art. Outside of the classroom I've supervised a number of undergraduate research projects with students who've gone on to eventual Ph.D.s or careers in visual effects or game design. |
About |
After a number of years teaching at Loyola University Maryland, in fall 2017 I returned to College Park to teach in its excellent computer science department. Originally in mathematics, an undergraduate course in image processing with Prof. Rosenfeld's textbook convinced me to switch to computer science and pursue graduate studies at College Park with Prof. Larry Davis as my advisor. |
Ph.D. (1990), Computer Science, University of Maryland-College Park |
B.A. (1979), Mathematics, University of Missouri-Columbia |
Last updated on July 29, 2021. See page source and p5.js for the background effects on this page, inspired by Shiffman's learningprocessing.com