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POPL97 Technical ProgramJanuary 15-17, 1997 |
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Thirty-six papers, spanning a broad range of topics, will be presented. These papers were selected from over 225 submitted abstracts which were reviewed by the Program Committee. In addition to the papers, three distinguished researchers have been invited to give lectures, one starting each day of the conference.
9:00-10:00 Invited Talk | |
Computing on Proofs |
Gilles Kahn (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis) |
10:30-12:30 Session 1 | |
Fast and Accurate Flow-Insensitive Points-To Analysis |
Marc Shapiro & Susan Horwitz (University of Wisconsin-Madison) |
Partitioning Dataflow Analyses Using Types |
Erik Ruf (Microsoft Research) |
Shape Types |
Pascal Fradet & Daniel Le Metayer (IRISA/INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu) |
Objective ML: A Simple Object-Oriented Extension of ML |
Didier Remy & Jerome Vouillon (INRIA Rocquencourt) |
14:00-16:00 Session 2 | |
Rolling Your Own MADT - A Connection Between Linear Types and Monads |
Chih-Ping Chen & Paul Hudak (Yale University) |
Search and Imperative Programming |
Krzysztof R. Apt (University of Amsterdam) Andrea Schaerf (Universita di Roma) |
A Unified Computation Model for Functional and Logic Programming |
Michael Hanus (Informatik II, RWTH Aachen) |
Call by Need Computations to Root-Stable Form |
Aart Middeldorp (University of Tsukuba) |
16:30-18:30 pm Session 3 | |
Proof-Carrying Code |
George C. Necula (Carnegie Mellon University) |
Is "Just in Time" = "Better Late than Never"? |
Michael Plezbert & Ron K. Cytron (Washington University, St. Louis) |
Parameterized Types for Java |
Andrew C. Myers, Joseph A. Bank & Barbara Liskov (MIT) |
Pizza into Java: Translating Theory into Practice |
Martin Odersky (Universitat Karlsruhe) Philip Wadler (University of Glasgow) |
9:00-10:00 Invited Talk | |
Automatic Parallelization, Whence It Came, Where It's Going |
Paul Feautrier (Universite de Versailles St. Quentin) |
10:30Ð12:30 Session 1 | |
Determining the Idle Time of a Tiling |
Karen Hogstedt, Larry Carter &
Jeanne Ferrante (University of California) |
Model Checking for Programming Languages using Verisoft |
Patrice Godefroid (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies) |
Synchronization Transformations for Parallel Computing |
Martin Rinard & Pedro Diniz (Univ. of California) |
An Affine Transformation Algorithm to Maximize Parallelism |
Amy Lim & Monica Lam (Stanford University) |
14:00-16:00 Session 2 | |
A Curry-Howard Foundation for Functional Computation with Control |
C.-H. L. Ong & C. A. Stewart (Oxford University Computing Laboratory) |
The Pi-calculus in Direct Style
Gerard Boudol (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis) | |
Behavioral Equivalence in the Polymorphic Pi-calculus |
Benjamin Pierce (Indiana University) Davide Sangiorgi (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis) |
Comparing the Expressive Power of the Synchronous and the Asynchronous Pi-calculus |
Catuscia Palamidessi (DISI, Universita di Genova) |
16:30-18:30 Session 3 | |
Program Fragments, Linking, and Modularization |
Luca Cardelli (Digital Equipment Corporation) |
Minimal Typings in Atomic Subtyping |
Jakob Rehof (University of Copenhagen) |
Typing Algorithm in Type Theory with Inheritance |
Amokrane Saibi (INRIA Rocquencourt) |
Type-Checking Higher-Order Polymorphic Multi-Methods |
Francois Bourdoncle (Ecole des Mines de Paris) Stephan Merz (Universitat Munchen) |
9:00-10:00 Invited Talk | |
Types as Abstract Interpretations |
Patrick Cousot (Ecole Normale Superieure) |
10:30-12:30 Session 1 | |
Infinitary Control Flow Analysis: a Collecting Semantics for Closure Analysis |
Hanne Riis Nielson & Flemming Nielson (University of Aarhus) |
Automatic Verification of Parameterized Linear Networks of Processes | David Lesens, Nicolas Halbwachs & Pascal Raymond (VERIMAG) |
On the Complexity of Escape Analysis |
Alain Deutsch (INRIA Rocquencourt) |
A Demand-Driven Set-Based Analysis |
Sandip K. Biswas (University of Pennsylvania) |
14:00-16:00 Session 2 | |
Denotational Semantics Using an Operationally-Based Term Model |
Mitchell Wand & Gregory T. Sullivan (Northeastern University) |
Constraints to Stop Higher-Order Deforestation |
Helmut Seidl (Universitat Trier) Morten H. Sorensen (Univ. of Copenhagen) |
Reducing Nondeterminism while Specializing Logic Programs |
A. Pettorossi, M. Proietti & Sophie Renault (University of Roma Tor Vergata) |
From SOS Rules to Proof Principles: An Operational Metatheory for Functional Languages |
David Sands (Chalmers Univ. of Technology) |
16:30-18:30 Session 3 | |
Relational Parametricity and Units of Measure |
Andrew J. Kennedy (LIX, Ecole Polytechnique) |
High Level Reading and Data Structure Compilation |
Robert Paige & Zhe Yang (New York University) |
Polyp - A Polytypic Programming Language |
Patrik Jansson (Chalmers Univ. of Technology) Johan Jeuring (University of Goteborg) |
First-class Polymorphism with Type Inference |
Mark P. Jones (University of Nottingham) |
Alex Aiken, University of California, Berkeley USA | Manuel Hermenegildo, Univ. Politecnica Madrid SPAIN |
Harald Ganzinger, Max Planck Institute GERMANY | Neil Jones, University of Copenhagen DENMARK |
Alessandro Giacolone, ECRC, Munich GERMANY | Frank Pfenning, Carnegie Mellon University USA |
Masami Hagiya, University of Tokyo JAPAN | William Pugh, University of Maryland USA |
Chris Hankin, Imperial College, London ENGLAND | David Schmidt, Kansas State University USA |
Luddy Harrison, Connected Components USA | Mary Sheeran, Chalmers Tech. University SWEDEN |
Laurie Hendren, McGill University CANADA | Doaitse Swierstra, Utrecht Univ. The NETHERLANDS |