The 24th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL '97) plus 4 colocated SIGPLAN-sponsored workshops and 2 EU-project meetings will be held at the Sorbonne, Paris, during the five days of January 14-18, 1997. This marks the first time POPL is held in Europe since 1987.
POPL'97 and its associated workshops are expected to attract a considerable number of active programming language researchers from academia and industry, as well as a number of specialists and practitioners with an interest in cutting-edge developments in programming languages.
Attendance over the last few years has been on the order of 200-250 for POPL. We are expecting attendance at POPL '97 to be on the same order of magnitude, with the four workshops drawing between 40 and 80 participants each.
Publishers are invited to exhibit books in the Sorbonne in close proximity to the lecture halls used for POPL'97 and 2 of its associated workshops (DSL, FOOL-4 -- see the home page for POPL '97 for links to further information on these workshops) during the period of January 15--18 (both days included). Publishers are welcome to exhibit other products, too, such as CD's, video tapes, etc., but should be aware that they have to arrange for their own display equipment. Please note that book orders may be taken, but no sales are allowed on the premises of the Sorbonne!
Exhibitors are requested to send a representative. There is an exhibits registration charge of $450 per representative, which includes the reception, lunches and coffee breaks during Jan. 15-17, or $300, which includes neither the reception nor the lunches. Please fill out the registration form, mark it ``book exhibitor'' and register by December 18.
The book exhibits will take place in a foyer close to the lecture halls used for POPL and the 3 workshops. One table per exhibitor is provided to each publisher's representative. Books and other material can be locked away overnight in a nearby room. (This is the representative's responsibility.)
Please contact Radhia Cousot, who is POPL'97 local arrangements chairwoman, for information on the possibility of shipping books and other display material to the conference.This information is available on the World-Wide Web at URL
Further information of general nature on the book exhibits can be obtained from the co-general chair:
Fritz HengleinInformation on the Sorbonne, Paris and local arrangements (incl. for the book exhibits) as well as on specific questions regarding the exhibits can be obtained from the local arrangements chairwoman:
Radhia Cousot LIX Ecole Polytechnique F-91128 Palaiseau cedex France Email: Tel: +33 1 69334595 Fax: +33 1 69333014